Yesterday was a bad day. The morning started off normal enough. My kids were behaving and happy and we were working hard. Then lunch happened and there was a giant, bloody fight and I was in the right place at the right time to help. Once the kids were separated and everyone was taken elsewhere to be dealt with, I attempted to eat, but instead ended up walking down to the main office to cry to my friend Jerra.
Adrenaline is a weird thing. I was awake and shaking and then when it started to settle, I was just a ball of emotions. See what I mean? Funny thing.
So, after teaching the rest of the day and filling out paperwork, I knew I needed a drink. Luckily, I was meeting Krissi. We went to BW's (or bDUBBS as it's known to my coworkers), where I had a flatbread pizza and two big beers. Ahhhh. Better.
Then, after BW's, we went to Let's Spoon for frozen yogurt and a lot of laughing. Even better!
So, this morning when I awoke, I wasn't sure how the run was going to go. It was terribly windy and sleeting/snowing outside, so off to the dreadmills I went. Roberta and Belinda were there putting in their time on the dreadmills too, so we were all able to tackle our runs together.
And today was probably my best dreadmill run yet! I ran all seven miles and didn't stop for walk breaks as I sometimes do when on a course that's going nowhere. I also covered the display with a towel so that I could just focus on how I felt and not my speed in numbers. It was a good run too, which is always helpful.
Apparently I have found the winning combination for great dreadmill runs. Who knew?
Glad it all turned out great for you. Congrats on an awesome dreadmill run! I have to work on staying on the treadmill for long runs. I've done it in the past but really struggling this year. The wind is rediculous. I'm ever so glad I did my 10 miles Friday. Saturday was bad and today is worse. Come on spring!!!