Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Perfect weekends :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I don't want to jinx this, but the past three weekends have been nothing short of perfect. Two weekends ago, I was running my first half marathon. Despite the pain and going a little slower than I wanted to, the whole experience was amazing. Spending a weekend with my parents in Orlando was also amazing. I love that at 28, I still have a relationship with my parents where we're not sick of each other after four days of non-stop togetherness. 

And last weekend and this weekend, I've literally been surrounded by get togethers with friends and family. Between Erin Parker's birthday, a comedy club visit, Kayla's first birthday bash, and Jamie's baby shower in Detroit, there has been non-stop happiness. And because of Dan, there has been pretty much non-stop smiling. :D

Additionally, I think I've finally gotten back on track with running. After ten glorious hours of sleep last night at Grandpa's, I woke up this morning and headed out for a run. I didn't time myself or map it until afterward, but I did right around 5 miles and felt decent about it. My love for the sport seems to be slightly m.i.a. right now, but I think running just ebbs and flows and this must be an ebb. 

All I know is I wouldn't trade weekends like this for anything.


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