Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Heat + Humidity + Hangover = Not seven miles

Sunday, March 18, 2012

It was another wonderful weekend (seriously, they just keep coming!). We were off school on Friday, which meant I was able to get a lot done. Five loads of laundry, grocery shopping, and some light cleaning were all accomplished before it was off to the Chicago for dinner with Dan. Have I mentioned he's good people? He's good people. :) 

On Saturday, I got to greet Lisa, who was staying with me overnight for a wedding. I knew I wouldn't get a run in on Saturday, so today's run was going to have to be my long one for the week. Slight problem, since yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. I ended up following two afternoon beers with approximately 3/5 of a bottle of wine. Oh, and a shot, because, why not. 

Additionally, my eating yesterday was awesome in a really awful way. Breakfast was Garrett's popcorn. Lunch was Leprechaun Fries at O'Rourke's (Leprechaun Fries, if you didn't know, are basically giant, delicious fries covered in a ton of cheese and bacon. I then dipped these in ranch dressing.). Dinner, then, you might ask, came in the form of about four pounds of cheese and crackers, potatoes, and cabbage at Dan's friends' house. Oh, I also ate a giant chunk of fat off Dan's plate, because I thought it was a potato. NOT potato. 

Amazingly, I woke up this morning five hours after going to bed and didn't feel terrible. I didn't feel great, but it wasn't a feeling of death warmed over. But, it was raining this morning, and Lisa and I went to brunch (THAT'S when the hangover headache kicked in) so my run got pushed to the afternoon. I took a quick nap and woke up feeling better, so off I went for my seven mile jaunt. 

As I mentioned earlier, there was no transition in the temperatures here. Today was just like the past few days, 75, very few clouds in the sky, and humid. I wore shorts and a tank top (lesson learned) and headed off on my seven mile trek. 

I'll spare you the details, but it was ugly. The first two miles were fine, but then the thirst kicked in. I never bought a water belt (I will now though!) and mile 3 LITERALLY had me thinking about picking up a water bottle on the side of the road. Furthermore, and maybe it was just because I was thirsty, I'd never noticed how many water bottles, beer bottles, and cans are on the side of the road. It was like a big, giant liquid tease. 

Also around this time, I realized that I was probably still incredibly dehydrated from yesterday's imbibing. My GU was making me nauseated. So I did what anyone would do...

...I aborted the path, ran to my parents, drank their water, and had my mom drive me home. My grand plan if I got there and they weren't home was to drink water out of the hose spicket and then walk home. Stupid, stupid heat. 

I suppose it goes without saying that I didn't get in seven miles. But I did get in 5.5, so I'll take it. My mileage was back up to 17 this week, which makes me feel like I'm getting back on track. I just wish I was liking it a tad bit more than I currently am. 


  1. Meh, off days happen and it sounds like this off day wasn't so much 'off' as it was recovering from yesterday's awesomeness. I'm glad you had a great weekend and I can't wait until we get to hang out!

  2. Me too!!! The next 12 days are nutso, but then I'm on spring break and will have gobs of time! :D

  3. I knew you were in trouble when I saw that picture posted of you celebrating St. Patty's Day! Lol. Glad you had a great time though. Ewwwwww...chunk of fat...definitely NOT potato! This is one of those times when it is totally acceptable (and expected) for a girl to spit!!!

    I got my 8 miles done before the sun came out so I really enjoyed my run. Only a 3 mile run was on my schedule but I just felt like I wanted to run some miles.

    I do weight watcher's (on my own) off & on & I have been sooooo off & totally stress eating. I really need to get back on track. I told the girls at work the WW bus left town & I can't even see the tail lights! I think I'll get out my binoculars & see if I can find it :)

    By the way, registration opens 4-10 for the Disney Goofy Challenge which is: run a 1/2 marathon one day & a full marathon the next for a Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse & a Goofy medal!!! Just throwing that out there in case you were interested :) The race is January 2013. It will be the 20th anniversary of the full marathon. I've been saving so I'm ready to sign up when it opens. I've wanted to do this for 2 years...soooo excited!

  4. :) Not my finest Saturday, but good memories!

    SO glad you got 8 miles in! That's awesome, Sherry! Are you feeling good? Everything's doing what it's supposed to be?

    I'm with you on the food, especially this past weekend. Luckily, Dan and I killed off the last of the Garrett's popcorn last night, so at least that temptation is gone! I do okay all day long, but always seem to lose it at night. Tonight? Six Thin Mints. But, it wasn't a whole sleeve, so I'll take it as a win!

    Ohhhh... the Goofy Challenge sounds amazing! How does one train for a race like that? I'll start thinking about it... :D

  5. Last week = exhausted. This week in a funk. All part of the process I guess. Still having pain but nothing is screaming at me so I'll take it!

    I do really bad at night too.

    I don't know how you train for Goofy. I think I'll be following a marathon training plan & running back to back Saturdays/Sundays so that I'll be used to it for the race. For the longest runs you would do like 10 on Saturday & 20 on Sunday. The hardest part is running the second day of the race as my legs are trash after a 1/2. get 3 medals and you know it's all about the bling!!! I wonder if they can fly you home on a gurney? Lol


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