Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

What I've learned through pregnancy from A to Z!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

We had our 32-week appointment today to check on Baby P. All is well, and baby is growing right on track! I can't believe we're less than 8 weeks to our due date, but I'm getting more and more excited to see this little one (and find out the sex!)!

I got to reflecting this morning on all the things I've learned during pregnancy. Here's an A to Z list of all the things I'm learning about being a mom-to-be! 

Accept that things might not go perfectly
When I first found out I was pregnant, my plan was to run through the end of my pregnancy, always eat my fruits and vegetables, and avoid a lot of sugar. Well, sometimes things don't go as planned! Embrace the ride!

Be flexible
This ties directly to letter A. I was so nauseous my first trimester that I literally survived on dry carbs. And running went out the window around week 29 for me. It happens. You can always amend your daily routine!

Carve out time for yourself
There will be so many things that come up in the 40ish weeks that you're pregnant, and it's hard to always find time to do nice things for yourself. Make the time to do your nails, read a book, or get a coffee. You're forming a life! You deserve some you time! 

Don't listen to everything others tell you
You're going to hear a lot of stories from others when you're pregnant. Some of them are incredibly useful and helpful. Others are not so much. Take those ones with a grain of salt. There's a solid chance your experience will be totally different from every other one you hear about. 

Enjoy some treats
Do I want to eat healthy for my baby? Absolutely. That being said, I'm not going to deprive myself of sweets and treats. I've given up wine for this baby, darnit, I'm not giving up my Christmas cookies too! 

Find new outlets
Just because you can't blast through a workout like you used to, or, heck, even blast up the stairs like you used to doesn't mean you can't do other things! I've really enjoyed doing more more low impact things, and I've rediscovered my love of the elliptical. There's always a new outlet when the old ones need to be set aside for a bit. 

Get happy
Hormones go bananas during pregnancy, and I will be the first to admit I've had one or five breakdowns over nothing at all. Those are okay. But be happy! There are so many great things happening here! 

Hop to it when it comes to organizing and decorating
You're going to feel like you have a ton of time to get ready for the baby. And while you technically have 40 weeks, they're going to fly! If at all possible, get the room set up early, because it's one less thing to worry about at the end. Our goal this week is to start washing baby clothes (awww!). 

Invest in some quality pieces
I haven't purchased a lot of maternity clothes, because I've been lucky enough to be able to borrow some from friends. But I did spend a little more money than I normally would have on things like quality jeans and some tops that make me feel good about myself. Some maternity clothes are hideous! And some are really cute! Get yourself some cute ones! 

Join a group
Early on in my pregnancy, I downloaded the What to Expect app. Through that app, I hooked up with a group of mommies on Facebook in a private group of fit-minded February mommies-to-be, and I LOVE it! It's been so nice to have someone at the exact same point in pregnancy to ask questions to and commiserate with. Find a group that you love, and stick to it! 

Keep your eyes on the prize
You get a baby at the end of it! Best prize of all! 

Love the journey
There are going to be days that are really freaking hard. Body parts will probably hurt. It will probably be hard to see weight gain on the scale. Things will swell. You'll feel crummy. But this journey is an incredible one and one I wouldn't want to change! 

Make your support person number one
Yes, it's been an incredible journey to go through for me, but it's also been an amazing journey for Dan. He's been such an incredible support to me and has stepped up every single time I've needed him to, and I've been trying hard to say thank you as often as possible. You're in this together! Support goes both ways. 

Never ignore labor symptoms
Luckily, I haven't experienced anything like this yet, but it's better to be safe than sorry. If you're feeling labor symptoms long before labor should be here, call your doctor, or head to the hospital. I'd rather be the lady who cried wolf than to miss something with our baby. 

Open up to others if you need help
Your support person is a great resource, but don't hesitate to ask others for help! I've mostly seen this lately with physical things like putting on my shoes or lifting certain items. But there might be emotional things you want to talk about too. Don't be afraid to ask!

Plan a date night
Pick a great restaurant and a movie and head out for a night on the town! Try to talk about things other than the baby, and remember why you wanted to start a family in the first place! 

Quench your thirst
Hydration is mega important when you're pregnant. However much you normally drink, just about go ahead and double that. Drink up! 

Really, don't worry about the number on the scale
Chances are, you're about to weigh more than you've ever weighed before. That's okay! Weight gain means your baby is growing and thriving in there, and that's what we want! As long as the doctor doesn't seem concerned, you shouldn't be either! 

Stay positive
This is just a good life lesson. Be positive, and positive vibes will surround you in spades. 

Thank someone at the office
I felt terrible that our doctor's office was open this morning, and I felt even worse that we had to schedule our appointment for today. So this morning, I took the receptionists, nurse, and doctor some sweet treats. It doesn't have to be a big thank you, but I wanted them to know that we were thankful they were there. 

Utilize all those energy bursts
You're going to be tired a lot of the time during your pregnancy. So when those amazing bursts of energy show up, use them! Get some chores knocked out, hit the grocery store while you're actually in a good mood, or work on the nursery. 

Value all those little movements
Once your baby starts moving, you will fall in love with him/her even more. I LOVE feeling those little kicks, flips, and movements throughout the day, and I think that's one of the things I'll miss the most when I'm not pregnant. Enjoy every one of those kicks... even the ones that hit you square in the ribs. 

Watch out for food aversions
My big one was coffee (and I adore coffee). During the first trimester, just the thought of coffee made me want to throw up (especially iced coffee -- weird, no?). I figured it was the baby's way of telling me to lay off the caffeine! Luckily, my coffee aversion went away around week 15, and then I was back to my delicious morning brew. 

Xpect the unexpected (yes, I cheated on the spelling here)
Everyone will tell you that every pregnancy is different. Keep your expectations open, and you won't be disappointed. 

You're the one in control
You always have a say in your care. While your doctor will certainly make recommendations, you have the right to discuss other options and suggest other avenues. This is something we took away from our birthing class at the hospital, and it is perhaps the piece of advice I'm happiest we got. 

Get them. A lot of them. 

What did you learn from your pregnancy that you'd want to share with others? 


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