Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Monthly goal setting: What I'm up to in December

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I would love to tell you that this monthly goal setting idea is of my own creation, but it would be a total lie. I actually got the idea from my friend Ashley over at Savvy Mom Solutions. She and I are incredibly similar in that we both love a good to-do list, and I find them to be especially useful this time of year! 

While the entire year as a whole can often feel busy, it's fair to say that this is one of the busiest times of all! Between trying to gather everything you'll need for the holidays, staying on top of gift buying, going to various holiday events, and the other musts (like working. and laundry.), things can get a little bit busy! 

So, I'm choosing a few major items to focus on this month, and I'm letting the other stuff slide... at least for now. No one will know if I haven't dusted, right? ;) I'm trying to focus on at least one work related goal, one home related goal, one personal goal, and one life-affirming goal each month so that I can do things that will make me feel accomplished in each area of my life. 

1. Send out Christmas cards. 
Truthfully, I think Dan and I might be the reason the postal service is still in business. This year alone, we've sent out save the dates, wedding invitations, and thank yous (bridal showers, bachelorette party, wedding, and now, baby showers!). But I'm still super excited to get our Christmas cards out this year! I love sending and receiving cards. And I LOVE hearing (and seeing!) what our family and friends are up to. By mid-month, I really want them out. 

2. Start organizing Baby Putt's nursery. 
It's taken everything in me not to blow off all of my responsibilities in order to start putting all of my time and effort in to Baby Putt's nursery. Now that we've had a baby shower, I just want to wash all the adorable onesies, blankets, and towels, and organize them all in drawers! But, I've refrained for now. This month, I'd really like to come up with a plan to organize the room and then actually start doing it. Not knowing the sex of the baby has made it slightly harder to decorate, but I'm hoping to get some crafting done this month too. (Blog post just as soon as I have something up on the walls!)

3. Spend time making memories (and really enjoying them).
Whether it's putting up the Christmas tree or getting hot cocoa and driving through Winding Brook, I'm super excited to make some holiday memories and really enjoy them. I tend to let me mind wander to the next thing I need to do, but I'm trying to spend more time being present and focused on living in the moment. This is the perfect time of year to do that! 

4. De-clutter my classroom. 
I have a minor hoarding problem. I keep lots of project and paper examples. I have enough photos on my cabinet to decorate the entire thing (and many are from my first year at LPHS -- nine years ago!). My cabinet is filled with many useful things and some totally useless stuff (like my lesson plan books from classes I haven't taught in ages!). And I just need to purge it. My goal by winter break is to really go through my items with a fine tooth comb and let go of those things that no longer help me in the classroom.

5. Read something that allows me to grow. 
Currently taking suggestions! Any and all suggestions! 

So, those are my five goals for December! I'm eager to tackle the last and really enjoy the last month of 2014! 

What are you trying to accomplish before year's end? 


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