Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Word of the year 2019: Intentional

Monday, December 31, 2018

You may have noticed a bit of a blogging absence lately, and you'd be correct. Life, man. Between buying our new home, selling our old home, planning a first birthday party, having two incredibly busy months with KEEP, and the holidays, I just plain tapped out on what I could do with my time, and blogging fell to the wayside. But, like everything in life, seasons ebb and flow, and I'm hoping THIS will be a season I can get back to blogging, intentionally. 

That's the thing about blogging - I want it to be intentional! I could have written several different blogs over the past few months, but they felt forced and rushed. I thought about doing a holiday gift guide, but when it came time to put fingers to keyboard, I just didn't feel passionate about it. And I was going to blog about Harrison's first birthday, but to be honest with you, I'm happy to let that day live in my memories (and what sweet memories they are!). I didn't want to blog unless it was something I was passionate about. 

And of course, this leads me here. To the last day of the year. To the last chapter in 2018. And I want to close it by looking forward. 

Years ago, I decided to pass on New Year's resolutions. I never stuck with anything for an entire year, and it seemed silly to start something for just a brief time. BUT, what I DID embrace was the idea of a word of the year: A one word mantra that could guide me throughout the year and in my every day life. 

2016: Thrive
2017: Count
2018: Flourish

Four years later, and I still really like how it's working... and this year, the word is Intentional. 

I want to be more intentional in everything that I do this year...
How I spend my time
Where I give my energy
The way I interact with my children
The attention I give to my husband
The hours I put into my team and my business
The things we choose to purchase for our home
The things we choose to keep in our home 
The way I connect with my faith
The amount of time I spend on my phone
The words I say to myself 
The reactions to things I can't control
...and so much more. 

And thus, 2019 will be the year I intentionally look at all the pieces in this puzzle that makes up our family life. I'm so excited to take this on (and also, selfishly, because it means less time wasted and more productivity, and I'm ALL about that!)! 

So I would LOVE to know, friends - What is YOUR focus for 2019? 

Getting it done: The one minute solution

Monday, October 29, 2018

On Saturday, I got up early (after a crummy night's sleep, mind you!) and headed to barre class. It's such a good way to kick off my weekend, and it puts me in the mindset to really make the most of our family time together. And sometimes, it's the little nuggets I take away from the classes that make the biggest changes - and far more than physical ones. 

This weekend, our instructor and my friend Sam talked about how at her day job, she helps people develop healthy habits in their lives. One of her clients kept telling her that she couldn't fit exercise into her daily life. It was too hard to think about working out for 30 minutes a day three days a week. So Sam suggested that on November 1, she start with one minute of exercise a day. And then on the 2nd, two minutes a day, and so on and so forth until November 30 when she'll have worked up to 30 minutes a day. 

And it totally resonated with me. There's SO much I want to do in our new house - but by evening, when I actually have time to do it, I just can't fathom it. BUT, there's something to be said for biting it off in small, manageable chunks and working up to what you want to achieve. Because I actually did the math on this one, that would give me almost eight hours of work time in the house if I matched every day to the minute. That's HUGE, you guys! 

Imagine if you did use this method for exercise - almost eight extra hours of working out a month! If you're already working out regularly, those eightish hours could be the game changer to bust through a plateau or give you the time you need to really amp up what you're already doing. 

Or what if you applied it to work (especially those of us who work from home)?! What would an extra seven hours and 45 minutes do to your business each month? For me, I feel like that could be huge! 

The point is this. Some times those giant tasks can be SO damn overwhelming that it's hard to know where to start. But if you can start small and make it a short, succinct, daily habit, it might just end up becoming a daily habit you don't need to think about. 

I'll be giving this a try in November with settling into our house. Will you join me?! What would you apply your minutes to? 

Behind the Scenes: What it REALLY looks like working from home (and strategies to make it work!)!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Actual photo of me attempting to work in my office. With the cutest assistants ever!
Whenever I'm having a conversation with someone new, inevitably, it turns to "What do you do (for a living)?" And I'm always so proud to say that I get to work from home while being at home with my boys. 

But I will tell you - the working from home thing, it can be SO darn hard for SO many reasons. It's tough to balance it all - the focused, interactive time with my kiddos, the focused, productive time with my work. Sometimes, blessedly, both kiddos will nap, and I can get in a solid hour of work during the day. Or sometimes, my angel of a mother will come over and play with my kids so that I can get a few things done. But sometimes, Henry is on the iPad way too long while I prep for a party or am on hold for a customer. It HAPPENS because it's life. 

If you know nothing of direct sales, let's chat about work and what it looks like. As a KEEP Collective Independent Designer, I get to decide how much or how little effort I want to put into any given day or week. I get to make my own work hours for the month, which I LOVE because with littles, it's so necessary to be flexible! I CHOOSE to put in 15-18 hours a week because it's a passion of mine - my happy place - and I love it. I'm also incredibly blessed to lead a team of strong, kind, independent women who also want that flexibility in a business, so much of my time is spent working with them or prepping trainings and tips. I know that role isn't for everyone, but it's one I thrive in, so I like to put the extra hours in for them. 

There are so many reasons why I chose to work with KEEP - the storytelling aspect of the jewelry is first and foremost. I LOVE the idea that everybody has a story, and I love that everyone can WEAR that story and keep what is loved most close at hand. KEEP doesn't require (or allow!) designers to carry any inventory, so I never have to worry about paying money out of pocket for items that will sit for months or years, and I don't have to ship anything myself. Orders ship directly from our Distribution Center to customers - our hostesses don't have to sort and deliver, nor do our designers, and I'm ALL about working smarter, not harder. 

KEEP is awesome about giving me the tools to work from home easily and effectively, but that doesn't mean it's always easy! Have you ever tried to nurse an active 10-month-old while running an online design session from your phone? He's fast! He can grab that phone in like .2 seconds! But how blessed am I that I can literally sit on my couch NURSING MY BABY and still work!? 

I've learned a LOT now that I've been working from home with children these past three years, and I want to share some of that wisdom with you. I'd LOVE to hear what's worked well for you if you work from home too! 

Make a dedicated work space. This can look like whatever you need it to look like. At our old house, this was a quarter of our kitchen table. No joke, I used to move all of my work materials to a laundry basket whenever we were having company so that we could use our whole table! But it was convenient for me to access while moving around with the kids, and I can't say enough about that! In our new house, it's a GLORIOUS office, and I'm in love. But, you can be successful without one - for sure!

Get equipment that works for you. I splurged on a new computer, a better cell phone (and I STILL need more data), and chargers of all varieties, but all of this makes me more productive and makes working from home easier. Knowing my phone isn't going to be dead at a moment's notice is huge on the nights I have an online party or something that needs to get accomplished. Find the equipment that works for you, and don't be afraid to splurge on it! 

Make a schedule - rigid or loose. My day to day is different EVERY day, but I can guarantee that I'll be working at night when the kids go to bed. Additionally, I know there are certain things I want to get done during the day. Even if I can't nail down a time when they'll happen, I at least know I need to do them. I try to keep those tasks short - no more than ten or fifteen minutes at a time so that I know I will find the moments to do them. And that being said, I always try to...

Plan ahead. If I know I have long, intensive tasks or things that really require my focus, I save those for nights, weekends, or when my babysitter (aka Momo aka grandma) is able to be here. Things DO pop up all the time that I can't plan for, but when able, I try to nail down a day or two of the week where I can really focus and knock things out. 

Above all else, be flexible. Working from home with children means things rarely go as planned. There are days when everything goes out the window, and that has to be okay. And then there are days where I can knock out an entire to do list before lunch. But knowing that flexibility will keep me sane has been a total lifesaver. 

So share with me, work from home friends, what's worked best for you?! 

Coming home: Our big move!

Friday, September 7, 2018

We. Are. Home! In our new home. One week in, and we're all doing well. 

But that's not to say it hasn't been altogether entirely overwhelming and high stress. I've been wanting to write this blog since BEFORE we moved, and I haven't had the mental wherewithal to do it until now. (And let's be clear, I'm writing this while exhausted, so these aren't the best thoughts for sure.)

Moving is just altogether exhausting. And our children are SO amazing, but they're at pretty important stages of their lives. The day after we closed on the house, Henry started preschool - a huge step for all of us as this is the first time he's really ever done an activity without us around. The transition has been good but not without some tears, and that's been tough. And, you know, he's three, which is its own strange beast. Gratefully, he loves the new house and has been enjoying exploring all the new places. And Harrison - the DAY we moved into the house, he decided that was the day he was done with the army crawl and moved on to actual crawling. He thinks, though, that he can walk, and wants to stand and cruise all the time, even on places where there isn't furniture to cruise on. Needless to say, while I love our wood floors, I'm anxious for an area rug or two to soften some of the blows. 

I had this grandiose plan for moving day that I was going to document it all with pictures and that my husband and I would do Chip and Joanna style check ins on my Instagram stories and it was going to be oh so fun. 

You guys, what was I thinking?! Clearly I was delusional to think we were going to have even an iota of a second for that! 

But this space - it's SO good. It's just so usable and gorgeous even covered in boxes that need unpacking and items that don't yet have a home. I'll have so many pictures to share once we have everything settled in, and I can't WAIT to share!

So for now, I'm going to go do some more unpacking and organizing (at least of the public spaces - our bedroom, the basement, and the guest room may not get touched for weeks - months!) so that home becomes homier. 

Stitch Fix for Kids: Henry's first Fix!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

You guys, we're about three weeks from my oldest starting preschool. I just can't even! I don't know when he got so big - and he's three and smart and learning so much and it's time. But my momma heart is so torn on this. 

But what HAS been fun about Henry starting preschool is the shopping part! School supply shopping is my jam, and I'm so excited to have 

About a month ago, I got an email telling me Stitch Fix now offers Fixes for kiddos. SAY WHAT?! I knew immediately I was going to order one for Henry - because how cute is a subscription clothing box for a three-year-old? 

Really cute, as I would come to find out! 

If you don't know about Stitch Fix (<--Referral link!), let me give you a little rundown. Stitch Fix is a clothing subscription service, and you decide how frequently, or infrequently, you'd like a shipment. You'll fill out a detailed style profile about your sizes, style preferences, and budget (and it's super fun to fill out the profile to see what your style preferences are!). They offer pieces for women, men, and kiddos, of course. You pay a $20 styling fee that gets applied to your purchase, but right now, if you sign up for your first /fix through my link, your first styling fee is waived. Zero risk! And, if someone signs up through your referral link, you get a $25 credit to use toward your next purchase! (And let me tell you, that adds up to some awesome free close!) The BEST part of Stitch Fix? It comes directly to my house which means I can see how everything is going to look on me (or Henry!) before I buy!
For Henry's first Fix, I told the stylist I was looking for some great back-to-school basics - pants, shirts, and maybe even some shoes that would make him look put together but comfortable for running around the playground. Suny was our stylist, and I kind of love the pieces that were chosen. Plus, there were so many fun details - the note was written directly to Henry, and the Fix includes some stickers that we were all about upon seeing them! 

I also love that Henry's Fix included a LOT of pieces. When I get a Fix, I get five items - Henry got 10! More variety, more selection, and a bigger chance we're going to find a piece or two we can't live without! 

1. Cali Supply Co Noah Layered Long Sleeve Graphic Tee, $16
2. Flapdoodles Jeremy Fundamental Star Jogger, $20 
You guys. My child refused - REFUSED - to try the clothes on. Is he even my child if he doesn't want to try on a Stitch Fix?! This is the closest he'd let me get - "I'll lay down on the floor, and you can put them on me." So, we tried that. 

Okay, but anyway. Although I didn't initially love the green pants, Henry is a sucker for stars, so of course HE was drawn to them. He also loves wearing his headphones when we're doing noisy things, so the shirt was pretty cute since it had headphones on it. I love this for casual, play clothes, but I don't know that this is a school outfit for him. 

3. DL1961 Bradford Slim Fit Stretch Knit Jeans, $38
4. Harry Potter Graphic Tee, $14 
5. Flapdoodles Flynn Raglan Tee, $14 
You'll notice from the picture, Henry wanted to be close to the action, but he still had no interest in trying the clothing on. And clearly I do NOT know how to take a flat lay photo. But I digress. These jeans are the SOFTEST pants in the world. I would have LOVED to see how they fit on him - he's fairly tall for his age, but he's slim, so pants are always a crapshoot. I still might try to get these on him while he's sleeping or something so I can see how they fit. I like the Hogwarts shirt, but I'm also wondering if I'm keeping that for me or him since he's not really aware of who Harry Potter is yet. The Raglan tee is super cute... but do I like this color combo, or the next one? 

6. Flapdoodles Flynn Raglan Tee, $14
7. Warp + Weft Trevor Woven Jogger Pant, $32
8. Rumi + Ryder Classic Everyday Sport Tee, $16
9. Rumi + Ryder Classic Everyday Sport Hoodie, $24
This is probably my favorite combo of them all - the Play to Win shirt and Hoodie are from the same company, and they're SO, so soft. Like butter soft. And the joggers are so cute! Again, I need to wrestle these on to him so I can see how they fit, but darnit if they're not adorable! 

10. Sperry Bodie Jr. Shoe, $30
Okay, I lied - he DID let me put something on him. These Sperrys are seriously the sweetest little shoes, and I love that they look cute with shorts (and would look good with pants too!). I ordered these just a little bit larger than his normal sizee, so I'm hoping he'll grow into them for school because darn, they're cute.

So that's Henry's first Fix. It would be a hell of a lot easier to decide what to keep if he had let me put the clothes on him, but we'll make it work. Any must haves you see here?  

Finding our new home... and leaving our old

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Move in day 2007. Lordy this feels like a lifetime ago! 

In December, my husband and I had one of those long talks - a big life change talk. A little back story. 

I bought our house in 2007. I was single and had two roommates. Writing that down payment check was the SCARIEST thing I'd ever done. But it was kind of the most amazing thing. I was 24, and I owned a home, and it was awesome. When Dan and I got engaged, it made sense for us to stay here. I was teaching west of our city, and Dan was working north. We could both easily get to work, even if we had commutes (30 minutes for me, 45 for Dan). I freaking love this house, if we're being honest. But that's a story for another blog. 

But then we had Henry, and we decided that I would stay home. Living in our house made less sense when Dan had a 45 minute commute each way on a GOOD day. And when we had Harrison, it became apparent just how much time we were losing with daddy each day. 

So we had the talk. Dan would start looking for jobs in our area. We would start looking for houses in Michigan. We'd see what happened. 

And in April, Dan started an INCREDIBLE new job in Elkhart. He loves it - so much. And it cut about 15 minutes off of his commute, which doesn't sound like much, but those extra 30 minutes a day are priceless. And when we realized we could have more time with him in a larger space, moving just made sense. 

So, we casually started looking at houses. Our realtor, who is amazing, by the way, helped us zero in pretty quickly on the areas we were looking, and after seeing several homes, we were able to make our list of Must haves and Nice to haves. 

And then we saw a ton of houses we didn't love. A lot. Not in a discouraging way, but we knew what we wanted. At least a semi-open floor plan, natural light, enough space for our boys to run around. And wowza, there just isn't a lot of that in our market right now! 

Because we weren't in a rush to move, we knew it would be okay to take our time. If it happened now or next summer or sometime in between, that would be okay too. And because of that, it took the pressure off. 

When we got an email from our realtor with the listing of our soon-to-be house, we kind of half looked at it. They were having an open house (on a Wednesday!), so we decided we'd go check it out. Holy WOW it was hopping - tons of people in and out while we were there. We LOVED the house on first sight - a gorgeous kitchen and family room, floor to ceiling windows, a FAB office, great bedrooms, and a finished basement with lots of egress windows. So, so pretty. But we figured, well, we love it, and a lot of other people will too, and we weren't in a position to get into a bidding war. So, we decided to wait and see. 

Three days later, no offers had been made, so we went back for a private showing and decided that YES, we would make an offer. 

And the rest, as they say, is history! A few days later, we were under contract, and we started making plans to leave our current home. 

And essentially that's when the floodgates opened. I bought this house as a single lady in 2007. I had two years of teaching under my belt, two fabulous and fun roommates, and too much fun here in my 20s. My college friends would come for sleepovers before Notre Dame games, and there was SO much damn laughter in this house while my roommates and I shared stories from our daily lives. 

I met my best friend in this house (miss you bunches, S)! This is the house I came home to after my first super amazing date with Dan. We got engaged in this family room. We brought our two babies home to this house. And now we're leaving it all. A wise friend told me that home is where your family is, not where the house is, but I know when the time comes to leave it, I'm going to be sad. 

Our house goes on the market tomorrow. The past two weeks have been SUCH a labor of love to get it ready to list. We've decluttered, fixed up, cleaned up, pared down, and worked our tails off. Shout out to all of the people who have helped us, especially my parents (you're the real MVPs - my poor mother has spent her entire retirement so far working on our home!). 

If you're able, send us some good vibes tomorrow, friends! We would love them! 

Stitch Fix #30: Nashville on my mind!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Greetings, y'all! Life has been insane around here because WE BOUGHT A NEW HOUSE AND I'M SO EXCITED! It's been a complete whirlwind of finding our house, going under contract, and getting our house ready to list. But I digress - this a story for another blog entry! 

Today, we're talking Stitch Fix! 

If you don't know about Stitch Fix (<--Referral link!), let me give you a little rundown. Stitch Fix is a clothing subscription service, and you decide how frequently, or infrequently, you'd like a shipment. You'll fill out a detailed style profile about your sizes, style preferences, and budget (and it's super fun to fill out the profile to see what your style preferences are!). Not only does Stitch Fix offer clothing, but they have accessories, bags, and even shoes now! They style both men and women, and they offer extended sizes. You pay a $20 styling fee that gets applied to your purchase, but right now, if you sign up for your first /fix through my link, your first styling fee is waived. Zero risk! And, if someone signs up through your referral link, you get a $25 credit to use toward your next purchase! (And let me tell you, that adds up to some awesome free close!) The BEST part of Stitch Fix? It comes directly to my door which means I can try it on in the comfort of my own home, pair it with things already in my wardrobe, and not have to take my brood into a dressing room with me. So much winning! 

You can see previous Fixes here:

Stitch Fix #1
Stitch Fix #2
Stitch Fix #3
Stitch Fix #4
Stitch Fix #5
Stitch Fix #6
Stitch Fix #7
Stitch Fix #8
Stitch Fix #9
Stitch Fix #10
Stitch Fix #11
Stitch Fix #12
Stitch Fix #13
Stitch Fix #14
Stitch Fix#15
Stitch Fix #16 
Stitch Fix #17
Stitch Fix #18
Stitch Fix #19
Stitch Fix #20
Stitch Fix #21
Stitch Fix #22
Stitch Fix #23
Stitch Fix #24
Stitch Fix #25
Stitch Fix #26
Stitch Fix #27
Stitch Fix #28
Stitch Fix #29

KEEP's annual conference, Hoopla, takes place next month in Nashville, and I needed some serious help! A country girl I am not, but, I wanted to blend in while I was there. My picks already include a lot of my other favorite Stitch Fix items, but I wanted to snag something new too. Naturally, I went to my go-to gal, Serena, who pretty much is the most amazing stylist ever. And YOU GUYS! You have to see what she pulled! Read on! (Also, let's not judge the hellacious lighting and terrible pictures. These happened at 9:30 p.m. after a full day of deck painting and staining... and there might be a super sunburned back in these pictures!)

1. Lux and Co Brooke 2fer Knit Maxi Dress, $54
OH MY GOSH THIS DRESS!!! Serena left me a super sweet note about how the second she saw it, she knew it would be perfect for me to wear in Nashville. And you guys, it's like a DREAM! The stripes and the florals! The material! The softness! I'm in SERIOUS love! I can't decide which day to wear it, but this is absolutely coming with me! 

2. Market & Spruce Earla Cotton Chambray Shirt Dress, $78
Okay, Serena, we get it, you pick AWESOME clothes! I freaking love this dress. It's such a gorgeous chambray, and it's so. darn. soft. I love the buttons, the tie, all of it! But that $78 price tag is steep now that we're saving our pennies for the new house. I'm trying to tell myself it's okay to skip this because it means I can get decorations for our house. Tell me that too, okay? 

3. Papermoon Ophir Crochet Detail Knit Tank, $38
This is a great every day tank with some fun extra details! I love the deep blue color, but I'm not sure it does a whole lot to flatter my short torso. I'm almost grateful I didn't love this at first sight... because I would be tempted to keep the whole Fix!

4. Luq Laquinta Embroidery Detail Cotton Top, $44
This is another that I really like, but don't love. It's a little heavy for Nashville, and I can't see myself wearing it into the fall in Indiana - and I don't want it just sitting in my closet until next spring! It's such a pretty piece, though! 

5. West Kei Eadith Knot Detail Blouse, $44
So, I've been wanting to try this style for awhile now, and I was super excited to see it when my Fix shipped! I thought it was going to be a cottony t-shirt material, but it was actually a lot more structured - rayon? I'm guessing! And while I thought I would love it, I kind of felt like it was just okay on me. Nothing spectacular (but that print!)! 

So what do we think, friends? Am I keeping the right thing? Weigh in! 

Stuff I'm Loving: June Edition

Saturday, June 23, 2018

How - HOW - is it the end of June?! It's been maybe the fastest month yet. Our littlest nugget turned seven-months-old, and Henry is a pistol of a toddler and is keeping us on our toes. There have been new houses, babies, jobs, and more in the lives of our friends, and I cannot WAIT to see what the rest of summer holds! 

But in the mean time, I've fallen in love with some products and things I just have to tell you about. Because, sharing is caring, people. 

Henry's Maze Plate
Y'all. Have a toddler that you have to battle to get a meal into? You need this plate! I won this a few years ago in an Instagram giveaway, and I dug it out in the spring on a whim, hoping maybe I could get Henry to eat a little better at his meals. Winner winner, maze plate for dinner! He LOVES this plate because at the end, he gets to lift a little lid and get a surprise treat. You guys - it doesn't even matter what the treat is! Sometimes it's just his gummy vitamin for the day. But there is something SO exciting about lifting up that treat holder! He'll eat almost anything to get it! I can't recommend it enough! 

An Amazon Deals community
A few months back, my friend Kristina started a Facebook group for people to share the deals they find on Amazon. And I kind of LOVE this group! I feel like I miss so many deals for things our family would use, and I've gotten serious steals on office supplies, things for the kids, and gifts for others. Pop in there, and join us! 

Our new favorite recipe
I don't often try new recipes anymore, because there's just not time to be crafty in the kitchen these days. I'm mostly sticking to what I know well (and can be cooked quickly). But today, my husband said he wanted Chinese for dinner. After a breakfast of popcorn and gummy candies (helllllo, early morning movie theater trip with the three-year-old!), and pizza last night, I just wanted something healthy. So I found this incredible recipe for Fried Rice using cauliflower and decided to give it a go. YOU GUYS. Riced cauliflower is DELISH! This dish was so flavorful and SO filling (we added chicken breasts for good measure). Bonus: I had almost all the ingredients on hand, so it was a super quick, super easy, super healthy dish. Will TOTALLY be making this one again! 

Wilder and Free
My crafty friend Jessica started an AMAZING business this month to help pay off student loans! She started posting them on the Instagram handle @wilderandfreedesigns, and I'm obsessed with her leather earrings! Seriously, how FUN are these options?! They're reasonably priced, so fun, and support a local momma - all of my favorite things! Check her out on IG!

Nashville research
Six weeks from today, I'll be kicking up my boots in Nashville, so I've been doing all kinds of research on where to go, what to see, and what can't be missed. I've also been trying to figure out what the hell to wear. Have you been? I need to know all the favorite things! 

Run Baby Run: Returning to running

Saturday, June 16, 2018

About a million years ago, I ran a lot. I signed up for a half marathon and decided to train - really train - for it. I started this here blog to track my running journey. So I ran a half. And then I ran another. And then I ran some smaller races. And then I ran just for fun. My fastest ever 5K was the Sunburst run in 2014 - I was pregnant, but I didn't know it yet! I also didn't know that would be my last race...

And then we had our first son. And when summer rolled around, he wasn't old enough to go in our jogging stroller yet, so the first year kind of passed with just a few quick runs. I started running again the following spring - maybe a run or two a week, but just a few miles here and there. It felt hard to find the time between the family, working from home, and fitting it in with my other workouts like Jazzercise and barre. And then LAST summer, I was newly pregnant and just did NOT feel like running. 

So fast forward to now. Our baby is seven-months-old, I finally feel like I have my bearings a bit (even though we still don't sleep all that awesome), and I'm wondering if now is the right time to delve back in to running. For so many reasons, it makes sense. I can do it whenever there's time with little equipment, and I don't have to go anywhere special to make it happen - all good things. 

Last weekend, I decided to get my first run in, and it just so happened to be at my husband's work. They have a great gym and a GREAT six-week yoga series they're doing on Saturday mornings, so we went in early to get some cardio in first. I ran two miles. And you know what I got? A runner's high? A desire to run all the time? My best time ever? 

Shin splints. I got shin splints. 

And like three days later, they still hurt like the dickens. Like I forgot that while running can be a great workout, it can also be a really painful. I started thinking back to the times when I hurt - when I would roll an ankle or got literal bumps and bruises along the way. After my first half marathon at Disney World, it took me so long to find my cheering squad (aka parents) that I forgot to stretch completely. Not even the longest ice baths fixed that one! 

My return to running is not without flaws, people, and I'm sure there will be more bumps along the way. But I do hope that this mild flirtation eventually turns back into a love - whether I run long or not, whether I race or not, I do hope running remains! Who wants to hold me accountable?! 

Navigating the internets: One momma's favorite sites and blogs

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Y'all. There are just not enough hours in the day anymore. They pass in a blur, and before I know it, my best intentions to do things like clean or read or rest have flown right out the window. And when I DO have time, I have to do the cleaning and the resting, so reading goes by the wayside. BUT, I also know that I need some entertainment in my life, so while I may not have time to binge read a novel, I DO have time to catch up on my favorite blogs and Facebook groups. And today, I'm sharing them with you! 

Living in Yellow 

So, I first started following Erin when she would guest write blogs on Stitch Fix's website, and when she started her online community, I popped in there for sure. I LOVE her style, and I love the whole vibe of Living in Yellow. A mostly fashion blogger with a little lifestyle thrown in, it's a light, good read that also just so happens to keep me fashionable and save me money. ;) 

Peanut Butter Fingers

Julie's blog has been my FAVORITE exercise blog for ages. She shares awesome workouts, fitness tips, recipes, and more. It's been fun over the years to watch her life change - first a momma of one, and now adding a new bambino to her family in the next few weeks. If you're wanting some quick fitness with a dash of family, check out Peanut Butter Fingers!

Ovia Parenting App 

This is a new find for me, and it's been a GREAT resource for our second babe. Despite having gone through all of these milestones the first time, I seriously forgot SO much - like when milestones happen, the ideal time to start certain foods, and so much more. So I LOVE the Ovia Parenting App - it gives me amazing updates and helps me keep track of all the things. 

Layered By Cake online community 

Gals. This one was a game changer for me (and so much fun!)! My friend Dawn introduced me to the incredible online fashion community known as Layered by Cake. Their tagline is "Style help for busy moms" and truly - I could use allllll the help with my style lately (since at the moment, my style is mostly spit up covered tanks and tees and not so much cutting edge fashion. The boutique owner, Shannon, is so thoughtful in picking out her pieces, and I LOVE all of the different clothing she showcases. I got the very best jeans from there, and my wish list just keeps growing! 

So there's my quick list of the sites and shops I've been loving lately. Where have you been spending your internet time? I'd love to hear! 

On Grit

Friday, May 18, 2018

As I've mentioned before, running your own business can be amazing - like, life changingly amazing. But it can also be difficult. Sales, motivation, morale - they all fluctuate, just like anything else in life. Motherhood. Being a friend. Just being, period. 

But. BUT. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about this little word: Grit. Four letters that pack a punch. Moral Fiber. Toughness. Resolve. Perseverance. Endurance. Guts, baby. 

A few weeks ago, one of my besties sent me an image of a presentation she was watching about grit. She said as she was listening to the presentation, she kept thinking about me and how I had it. And for some crazy reason, that totally turned my day, week, month around. There's something so powerful about someone else believing in you. 

So, I started to think back to when my grit was acquired, because as much as I wish it was something I've always possessed, I feel like it didn't really come to me until late in my teenage years. Some kids have it early on - the ones who fight it out on the sports fields or aim to be valedictorian. I was neither - but I worked hard. That grit - that determination - though, didn't come until my junior year of high school when I was diagnosed with Systemic Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. 

That diagnosis was such a game changer for me in so many ways. My childhood subsequently ended as I shuffled, quite literally, back and forth to doctor's appointments. I took a heavy cocktail of prescriptions while filling out my college applications, staying on top of my homework, and having a normal 18-year-old life. I went through college on Methotrexate, a chemotherapy drug, so when most co-eds were fighting hangovers on the weekends, I was mostly just tired from my meds. At the time, I didn't really think anything of it. But looking back, I realize how much that really set me up for success in life. Because grit, baby. Never giving up, not giving in, and continuing to push forward even when it was an uphill battle. GRIT. 

So if you've been struggling, in any aspect of your life, dig deep. Find your inner grit. Channel it. Harness it. And push through. Because baby, the other side of this struggle is so, so sweet. 

Stitch Fix #29: Pops of color and the PERFECT jeans!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

It's finally, FINALLY, spring here in northern Indiana, and for some reason, as soon as the weather turns, it makes me want to wear ALLTHECOLORS. I love a good pop of color, so this month, I'm on the hunt for a great spring purse. 

So OF COURSE I had to order a Stitch Fix to see what Serena could find for me! 

If you don't know about Stitch Fix (<--Referral link!), let me give you a little rundown. Stitch Fix is a clothing subscription service, and you decide how frequently, or infrequently, you'd like a shipment. You'll fill out a detailed style profile about your sizes, style preferences, and budget (and it's super fun to fill out the profile to see what your style preferences are!). Not only does Stitch Fix offer clothing, but they have accessories, bags, and even shoes now! They style both men and women, and they offer extended sizes. You pay a $20 styling fee that gets applied to your purchase, but right now, if you sign up for your first /fix through my link, your first styling fee is waived. Zero risk! And, if someone signs up through your referral link, you get a $25 credit to use toward your next purchase! (And let me tell you, that adds up to some awesome free close!) The BEST part of Stitch Fix? It comes directly to my door which means I can try it on in the comfort of my own home, pair it with things already in my wardrobe, and not have to take my brood into a dressing room with me. So much winning! 

You can see previous Fixes here:
Stitch Fix #1
Stitch Fix #2
Stitch Fix #3
Stitch Fix #4
Stitch Fix #5
Stitch Fix #6
Stitch Fix #7
Stitch Fix #8
Stitch Fix #9
Stitch Fix #10
Stitch Fix #11
Stitch Fix #12
Stitch Fix #13
Stitch Fix #14
Stitch Fix#15
Stitch Fix #16 
Stitch Fix #17
Stitch Fix #18
Stitch Fix #19
Stitch Fix #20
Stitch Fix #21
Stitch Fix #22
Stitch Fix #23
Stitch Fix #24
Stitch Fix #25
Stitch Fix #26
Stitch Fix #27
Stitch Fix #28

This month, Serena pulled some SERIOUS winners... and it makes me wonder if I should keep the whole Fix! So I DEFINITELY need you to weigh in, y'all! 

1. Sole Society Nera Crossbody Bag, $59 
My first thought when I saw this purse was "There's no way my life will fit into this." But, the more I thought about it, my life probably SHOULD fit into this! I still carry a diaper bag, so it's easy enough to start stashing our snacks in there. And I do LOVE that it's crossbody and easy enough to throw on while still having hands free. I LOVE the coral color, so I'm totally torn on this. Can I be a small bag kind of gal? 

2. Market & Spruce Ezide Textured Print Top, $58 
This top, y'all. On the hanger, it just looks like a normal top. BUT, when you put it on, ohmigosh! It has just the right amount of stretch, and hugs all the right places. I love the little bit of texturing on it, and it looks effortless to throw on with jeans and some cute accessories. 

3. 41 Hawthorn Dawney Scallop Trim Blouse, $54
Either Serena knows me well (she does!), or she's noticed a huge trend on my Pinterest fashion board. I LOVE a good subtle scallop detail! I think it's so sweet and makes an ordinary hemline far more fun. The pattern on this top is so cute too - a little floral goes a long way, and this is definitely a pattern I can get behind. 

4. Emory Park Kaley Open Kimono, $34
5. Liverpool Elizabeth Super Skinny Jeans, $78 

This is a trend I've been seeing everywhere lately, and I ALMOST purchased something similar about a month ago because I love this style for easy access for nursing! This one, though - AMAZING! The colors are so, so pretty, and I love the pattern of it too! I feel like this is an absolute winner, especially since it's something I've had my eye on lately! (Ironically, this was the piece that my husband said he wasn't crazy about! Ha!)

And, let's talk jeans. It's like, impossible, to find great jeans. Post-baby, I was really hoping to get back into my pre-Harrison jeans, but with eight pounds to go, I finally had to cave and buy new jeans. And I REALLY liked them. So then I got a second pair of jeans. And now, THESE. You guys, these fit like a GLOVE. They're so, so soft, and the wash on them is perfect! Bonus - no button or zipper - they're a pull on waistband (seriously, WHY is this just now becoming a thing?! This should have been around decades ago!)! And I'm actually wearing them in all the photos. But they're $78. So do I bite the bullet and buy them?! To be completely honest with myself, most of my pre-baby jeans are probably slightly worn or outdated (oh hi, bootcuts). Do I make that a determining factor here? 

So that's it for Fix #29! What DO I do?! 
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