Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Stuff I'm Loving: June Edition

Saturday, June 23, 2018

How - HOW - is it the end of June?! It's been maybe the fastest month yet. Our littlest nugget turned seven-months-old, and Henry is a pistol of a toddler and is keeping us on our toes. There have been new houses, babies, jobs, and more in the lives of our friends, and I cannot WAIT to see what the rest of summer holds! 

But in the mean time, I've fallen in love with some products and things I just have to tell you about. Because, sharing is caring, people. 

Henry's Maze Plate
Y'all. Have a toddler that you have to battle to get a meal into? You need this plate! I won this a few years ago in an Instagram giveaway, and I dug it out in the spring on a whim, hoping maybe I could get Henry to eat a little better at his meals. Winner winner, maze plate for dinner! He LOVES this plate because at the end, he gets to lift a little lid and get a surprise treat. You guys - it doesn't even matter what the treat is! Sometimes it's just his gummy vitamin for the day. But there is something SO exciting about lifting up that treat holder! He'll eat almost anything to get it! I can't recommend it enough! 

An Amazon Deals community
A few months back, my friend Kristina started a Facebook group for people to share the deals they find on Amazon. And I kind of LOVE this group! I feel like I miss so many deals for things our family would use, and I've gotten serious steals on office supplies, things for the kids, and gifts for others. Pop in there, and join us! 

Our new favorite recipe
I don't often try new recipes anymore, because there's just not time to be crafty in the kitchen these days. I'm mostly sticking to what I know well (and can be cooked quickly). But today, my husband said he wanted Chinese for dinner. After a breakfast of popcorn and gummy candies (helllllo, early morning movie theater trip with the three-year-old!), and pizza last night, I just wanted something healthy. So I found this incredible recipe for Fried Rice using cauliflower and decided to give it a go. YOU GUYS. Riced cauliflower is DELISH! This dish was so flavorful and SO filling (we added chicken breasts for good measure). Bonus: I had almost all the ingredients on hand, so it was a super quick, super easy, super healthy dish. Will TOTALLY be making this one again! 

Wilder and Free
My crafty friend Jessica started an AMAZING business this month to help pay off student loans! She started posting them on the Instagram handle @wilderandfreedesigns, and I'm obsessed with her leather earrings! Seriously, how FUN are these options?! They're reasonably priced, so fun, and support a local momma - all of my favorite things! Check her out on IG!

Nashville research
Six weeks from today, I'll be kicking up my boots in Nashville, so I've been doing all kinds of research on where to go, what to see, and what can't be missed. I've also been trying to figure out what the hell to wear. Have you been? I need to know all the favorite things! 


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