Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Minnesota runnin'

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Has it really been over a week since I've written? Shameful. Here's what I've been up to. 

Last Thursday, Dan and I, along with his sister Jackie, took off for Two Harbors, Minnesota. It was a long drive after a long day of work, and we rolled in about 2 a.m. local time. After a brief night's sleep, we woke up and got to spend lots of time with Dan's immediate family, as well as his Uncle Reid. We had an absolute blast playing games, going for walks, sight seeing, visiting the train museum (after a train ride, of course), and, naturally, going to see the Two Harbors (and Canada!). It was especially awesome for me because I got to learn a lot about the steel industry, something I'd like to know more about since my dad has worked in since I was born. Dan's grandfather was a train engineer on giant steam engines, so learning about the history of trains was equally entertaining for me.

Uncle Dan and Coley getting some cuddle time in.
Dan, trying to reach both harbors :)
Some of my favorite moments from the trip, though, came from runs that we took. There is something immensely awesome about running through a totally green and natural landscape. We saw deer MULTIPLE times while running... and a few horses (I was convinced they were bears since we were far away, but Dan got closer to inspect (not bears)). The road that Dan's Uncle Reid's house sits on was washed out by the flooding earlier this year and has yet to be repaired. This, though, makes for EXCELLENT running. The road, which is currently closed, is almost two miles long, which meant wide open space to run. We weren't in a hurry. We just enjoyed our time. And ran. And relaxed. And enjoyed some more. 

Good, good weekend. 
Dan, Ron, Preston, and Reid, checking out the sights.
Me and Dan doing a little impromptu dancing in the Shop One parking lot. 


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