Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Kilometers for Cam

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Yesterday morning started early for us. Dan and I were signed up to run the Kilometers for Cam 5K in St. Joe, Michigan. The run raised money for a 6-year-old boy, Cameron, who has Progeria. Want to know more about Cam and Progeria? Go here. The race was an important one for a lot of reasons. First and foremost, it's a fantastic cause and a great way to raise funds for a disease that only affects 90 children worldwide. Secondly, the race was sponsored by Whirlpool, so we went to support Dan's work too. Third, it's where Dan grew up, so it was neat to do a race up there. 

But my favorite reason for running the race (besides the really awesome Johnson & Johnson swag bag!) was because I finally got to meet my friend Sherry! Sherry and I have talked at length on my blog and on Facebook about running. She's signed up to do the Goofy Challenge in Disney in a few months, and we've talked at length about running Disney. We've been able to chat with each other in times of running sickness and running health and have been able to support each other through the ups and downs. She was the one who told me about Kilometers for Cam, so it made it extra special that we met at this event! Here we are in the worst picture ever! 

I am ghostly pale and awkward in the sun, looking at Dan. Sherry looks normal, but is looking at her husband, Don. :)
So, maybe not the best picture ever, but it's still photographic proof that we've now met! 

The weather was perfect (I will run in 50 degrees ANY DAY over the summer temps) and the course was nice (Starting at the carousel, up the bluff, through downtown St. Joe, then back down the bluff, along Lake Michigan, down the pier, and back to the carousel.). I even PRed by a few seconds, despite not having run much in the past week or so. All in all... it makes me really excited for cooler running temperatures and to figure out what race (and length!) is next. Stay tuned! 


  1. So cool that you finally met! Congrats on your new personal record.

  2. I'm so glad you guys made it to this race. A PR? Awesome!!! This was actually my worst 5k time. It was a couple minutes slower than last year's time pushing Cade in the jogger. I'm a little heavier & so is he. I still think it was pretty good especially since I only had him in the jogger maybe twice this year so I'll take it :) We all had a good time. Most important, we helped raise some funds for this awful disease that Cam has. This disease is heartbreaking and I hope they can find a cure for these little kids.

    It was awesome to meet you guys! Psst...she even let me hug her while I was sweat drenched and!!! Only true friends will let you do that :)

  3. Sherry, I give you so much credit for pushing that jogging stroller! That's a workout in and of itself!

    And you're right -- true friends hug when they're sweaty and gross!

    P.S. I CHOSE to run on the dreadmill today instead of outside! What's going on with me? (Blog coming soon!)


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