Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Real World Runnin'

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

While on vacation, Dan and I were able to get two runs in. They were not fast. They were not long. But they felt really, really great! Perhaps it was the cooler temperatures. Perhaps it was the lack of humidity. Perhaps it was having a running buddy since I'd forgotten my headphones at home. 

But perhaps it was the fact that everything is more fun on vacation, exercise included. We also got in our sweet tandem bike ride and some awesome Dune climbing and hiking, which was nice. 

Upon our return home, we ran roughly 4.5 miles around Long Beach on Sunday morning. Even that felt okay... but I think I was still pretending to be on vacation. See? Still fun! 

On Monday, it was back into the real world. I answered a bunch of emails I had been blowing off, went in to work to spend some time on the Door Village Festival Newspaper that my students are putting together, ran errands, and taught Jazzercise. The rest of the week brings more of the same, as the paper needs to be done next week. 

The ONLY way I've been able to convince myself to run this week is if I run two miles at a time. I figure I really have no excuse for why I can't go outside for 20 minutes or less and run around. I haven't even been leaving the subdivision. I think it's time to get signed up for a race ASAP so I don't totally lose my mileage. I remember during my training when I would leave work and head out immediately for a 5-7 mile run. And now... two seems like plenty! 

On the bright side, I'm getting to work on my speed a bit. I started off at a pretty quick pace this morning and about two minutes in, I decided to see how fast I could run a mile. I was using my GPS, so when it dinged at 8:10, I was pleasantly surprised to see I'd gone that fast. I finished both miles in 16:47, which is pretty darn fast for me. Since I'm feeling fast for maybe the first time ever, I'm going to try to keep increasing speed and worry about the distance later. Baby steps! 


  1. Try to throw a longer run in there once a week or at least every 2 weeks if you can. Last year I kind of fell off the wagon with mostly 3 milers. Boy did I suffer when I wanted to go longer again. It seemed so hard to do. Eventually I made my way back. It's just easier not to "go there"

  2. That's what I'm afraid of! If I lose the distance... I may not get it back! I did four yesterday, and I want to get a six or seven in this weekend but it's just sooooo hot!

    How's your running going?

  3. You'll get it back but it's a struggle. It seems a little cooler today :)

    It's going OK. My hips hate me! Whatever I did to my leg getting in the boat the week of Sunburst is still haunting me. I'm sure running a 1/2 marathon on a partially bummed leg didn't help. Last weekend should have been an 8 miler but I stopped at 6 due to pain. Today should be 9...we'll see what I get.

    Good luck on your long run & have a great weekend!

  4. Oh no! I hope your leg starts feeling better soon! Lots of ice, lots of rest... if only we all took our own advice, right? Saw that you got your nine miles in! Nine miles is nine miles, no matter how you get there!

    I haven't gone past four in a couple of weeks now. It's been so hot, and I'm letting it be my excuse, it's terrible! I'm getting faster on my short runs, but it's time to build back up!

    Are the 90s ever going away?!

  5. I wish nothing hurt & we could just focus on putting in the miles! I know rest is the key but I have a marathon in October so I keep trying to make

    It's nice you're getting faster :) Just bump it up slow & you'll be good.

    It's hot for running for sure but I complain all winter & hate being cold so I have to be quiet!


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