Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Summer 2012 bucket list

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Two weeks from today, I will be sipping a giant glass of wine somewhere. Why, you ask? Because two weeks from today is the last day of the 2011-2012 school year. And in two weeks and one day, summer 2012 officially kicks off. What a glorious, glorious thought! 

A few summers ago, my friend Jerra told me she always gave her summers a theme. She said this was a way to avoid that typical question teachers get, "So, what are you doing/did you do this summer?" 

I dubbed the summer of 2009 The summer I ran in to things (because I started running) and the summer of 2010 The summer I saw things clearly (because I got LASIK). The summer of 2011 was The summer I got really happy (because I was happy where I was -- mind, body and soul). 

So, with summer 2012 just hours away, I've been wracking my brain to come up with something fantastic to focus on. I just couldn't pick one thing. Therefore, summer 2012 is going to be The summer of the bucket list. Below, 53 things I really intend to do this summer. Some of them, I realize, will make little to no sense to you. And I apologize for that. I also realize that some of these things might be laughable to you (like, for instance, cooking one meal a week (because I don't do this. I know. I'm a let down to my mother!)) but it's my list, darnit, and I'll put these things on there if I want to! 

What's on your list? 

  1. Buy better television for downstairs
  2. Switch couches
  3. Put a wall hanging at the end of the hallway
  4. Hang sconces and basement picture
  5. Hang pictures upstairs
  6. Organize Tupperware cabinet
  7. Organize extra room
  8. Organize gift giving
  9. Organize finances/retirement

  1. Organize newspaper
  2. Revamp JHE curriculum with more challenging items
  3. Look for information on understanding and internalizing reading

  1. Rip CD’s to iPod
  2. Sign up for my next half marathon
  3. Beat 27 minutes on my 5K
  4. Go see Nanc’ in Louisville
  5. Plan a trip where I have to use my passport
  6. Kiss Dan in the rain
  7. Workout in a swimming pool
  8. Do personal training sessions with J
  9. Bike rides with dad
  10. Go to the library
  11. Clean closet and clothes drawers
  12. Host a girl’s night in
  13. Trader Joe’s
  14. Go on vacation
  15. Farmer’s Market
  16. Eat a blizzard
  17. Go mini golfing
  18. Eat a cookie skillet
  19. Go out on a lake
  20. Spend a day doing nothing
  21. Go wine tasting
  22. Dress up just because
  23. Enzo’s
  24. Brewster’s
  25. Polito’s
  26. Ritter’s
  27. Fro yo
  28. Run 150 miles
  29. Go on a picnic
  30. Write a letter to a friend
  31. Make something from Pinterest
  32. Cook a meal during June 4
  33. Cook a meal during June 11
  34. Cook a meal during June 18
  35. Cook a meal during June 25
  36. Cook a meal during July 2
  37. Cook a meal during July 9
  38. Cook a meal during July 16
  39. Cook a meal during July 23
  40. Cook a meal during July 30
  41. Cook a meal during August 6


  1. There is no way you are a let down to your mother! She is very proud of you! Maybe we can do some cooking together, that would be fun.
    Love your list and especially LOVE YOU!

  2. Eating a blizzard would be my first! You've got a lot of organzing! You've given me a great idea to kick around for this weekends long run, 14 miles, maybe a 100 things to do for 2012? I feels excited now! Thanks!

  3. That's a lot of stuff! Good luck :)

  4. Thanks mom! :) Patty -- you're right! That definitely won't be the order I follow! I think I'm going to add to it. I keep thinking of other things I want to do...


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