Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Color Your World: Why everyone should experience a House of Colour Consultation

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

About a year ago, it seemed like there was a buzz in the air about a business called House of Colour. Several ladies I'm acquainted with through S&D started their own businesses, and several more were going to them to "have their colors done." I was intrigued and started to follow along... and then I became a little bit obsessed! 

The idea is simple: Everyone has undertones in his or her skin - either blue based or yellow based. If you're blue based, it means cool colors look best on you. If you're yellow based, warm colors look best. And within cool and warm, there are two seasons each - summer and winter for cool and spring and fall for warm. 

I watched "makeover" after makeover in InstaGram stories - each client would first be shown with just a generic white cloth. But add in some WOW colors (the colors that you look best in) and the right lipstick, and BAM - the entire face changes. It's kind of mesmerizing to watch! 

While I was pregnant, I did so little shopping. I already had maternity clothes from my previous two pregnancies, so I didn't really *need* to shop. Before I started buying again, I decided I really wanted to know what would look best on me - so that even if I was tired or had bags under my eyes from sleepless nights or didn't feel like putting on makeup, I could know that my clothes would be reflecting my best self. And when I told my hubby, he was totally on board with me going - especially when I told him it would make it easier to clean out our closet AND it would save us money in the long run because I wouldn't buy things I'd never end up wearing. 

Let me digress for a paragraph and tell you that a closet clean out was WAY overdue. I'm essentially the same size I was in high school and college, which means I've rarely gotten rid of clothing because it didn't fit. So while I'd occasionally discard something I didn't like or something that was worn out, I've never *really* done a good closet overhaul. It was MORE than time to do it! 

My appointment took about two and a half hours, and it was SO MUCH FUN! My consultant Kelly quickly zeroed in on the fact that I had yellow undertones (which, I was grateful for because it meant I could keep wearing all my gold jewelry!), and then deduced that I was an Autumn which was my guess before we started! Autumns look best in warm, earthy undertones - think olive greens, marigold yellows, rust oranges, and various shades of browns among others. We went through my colors and found the ones that look best on me and then tried a few lipsticks until we found one I loved. I left armed with the knowledge of what colors would be best for me to wear for all occasions. And, it made more sense why some of the things in my closet were things I never gravitated to wear - I think subconsciously, I knew those weren't the right pieces for me and that I didn't look my best in them. Kelly challenged me to wear my colors only for the next two weeks so I could really start seeing myself in them, and always the student, I happily obliged. I wanted to see this magic too! 

When I arrived - Adding in makeup - Adding in my WOW colors and a lip color

When I got home, the first thing I did was a massive closet overhaul. I literally went through every single item in my closet and sorted into three piles. 

1. Autumn colors, Keep

2. Not Autumn colors, Still keeping (for now)

3. Not Autumn colors, Donate or sell 

I'd say roughly 30% of my closet was already my colors, so it was easy to put that back in. When it came to things outside my season, it was a little more difficult. Honestly, I was shocked how EASY it was to get rid of items knowing they didn't serve me well. I still kept way more than I should have, but I told myself if I haven't worn it in the next six months, I would donate those too. Spoiler alert: I'm almost two weeks past my session with Kelly, and with the exception of bottoms, I haven't worn anything outside of my season. Even my shoes and jackets got an overhaul! I have a feeling I'll be donating a lot more at holiday time! 

Next up was filling the gaps in my wardrobe. Bottoms are a struggle for me right now as I'm still losing baby weight, so I'm focusing on things with stretch there like leggings and elastic waisted shorts (praise be for those being in style right now!). I already had a lot of tops in my colors, but I'm working on adding in more of my blues and chocolate browns - colors that I never really wore before but now LOVE because I've seen the way they make my features pop. It's been fun to see what's out there (even if shopping online is a little more difficult than seeing the colors in person). There are even a few online retailers that sort their shops by House of Colour seasons, and there are a ton of fabulous consultants to follow on IG who share their finds too. 

People have asked me what I feel like I got from this experience, and I've got to tell you, there's so much I took out of this! I think the thing that I loved most was seeing how well my seasons colors work together. It almost makes getting dressed idiot proof because my clothes all just WORK. As a newborn momma with a toddler and kindergartener, I'm grateful for ANYTHING that makes life (and specifically mornings!) easier. 

Additionally, it was just cool to learn about the science behind color theory and why your colors work best for you. I still get to wear so many colors (and as Kelly said, "This is just information! You get to decide what you do with it.") and I suppose if I *really* want to, I can stray outside my season, but why would I want to when I know what works best for me?! I'm happy to rock my colors and continue to try new combinations and pairings with them. 

I've been having so much fun playing with some of my new colors!

If it's not entirely obvious from this post, I highly, HIGHLY recommend you get your colors done. You can search for a consultant near you on the House of Colours website (currently, House of Colour doesn't have a franchise agreement for Indiana, but there are lots of consultants in surrounding states). It was an incredible experience that's changed so much - well worth the investment! 

Body after baby: What I know by baby #3

Saturday, April 10, 2021

As I write this, our sweet baby is napping in his swing. And it's given me a solid chunk of time to reflect on body after baby. We're two months out with baby number three now, and I've learned a few things along the way. 

During my first pregnancy, I remember feeling REALLY good from weeks 14-38 or so. I was able to stay physically active the whole time, even going for runs well into the 32nd week. And I remember thinking how I would just bounce right back into shape. 

I was young (31!)! I'd stayed active! I'd done mostly everything I was supposed to do!
When our first was born, he weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces, and I remember upon getting home from the hospital that I was excited to weigh myself. I'd gained 34 pounds during the pregnancy... and SURELY I'd lost at least half of that already, right? I mean between the baby and the placenta and the fluids... HAD to be down at least 15. And when I stepped on the scale... 

I'd only lost 7. SEVEN POUNDS. How?! How was that possible when the baby himself weighed more than that?! Not to mention all the other bits I'd been carrying?! 
But alas, there I stood, only seven pounds less than before I'd had a baby, and it hit me: body after baby was going to take time. And be different. 

I wasn't mad or angry - just more surprised that it wasn't just melting away. I'd read all the articles about how breastfeeding would just melt the weight right off you, and once you were cleared for your workouts at six weeks, you'd feel so amazing again and want to just burn burn burn those calories. But before I even hit that point, I knew that wasn't going to be the case. And maybe because I was 31, I kind of told myself then and there that it didn't matter - it would take as much time as it needed to take, and I would be okay with that. 
Small victories. 

It took me almost nine months to lose the weight I'd gained during my first pregnancy, and it took me a full year to lose the weight I'd gained with my second. And I have no doubt it will take time - precious time - to lose the weight I've gained with our third. So here's what I HAVE learned. 

Give yourself grace.
Y'all. Growing a human is a LOT OF FREAKING HARD WORK. And sure, maybe in real, non-pregnant life, you can drop several pounds in two months. But this is post-partum life. You grew a human. You're caring for that baby, and chances are, your focus hasn't been on yourself. And that is OKAY. Give yourself grace. Grace like rain. And don't stress if it doesn't just happen for you. It WILL happen - it just might not be on your timeline. 

Don't be a hero. 
It can be really exciting to get back to working out, especially if you were an avid exerciser before. But it's okay if you have to take it slower, do less reps, run less distance. You probably won't go right back to where you were pre-baby or even pre-pregnancy. It takes time. Don't be a hero, baby. You've got this, and you'll get back to the level you want to be soon enough. It. Takes. Time. 

Move every day you can. 
Pre-babies, I worked out for an hour 5-6 days a week. I don't have that time right now, and I acknowledge and own that. My goal is every other day for 30 minutes right now. BUT, I try to move throughout the day as much as I can. Running around with the kids. Lifting grocery bags a few times before I unpack them. Doing squats while I hold the baby (seriously, babies LOVE this!). It all adds up, and my hope is that keeping my body moving more now will only help when I DO have more time to commit to working out again. 

Find what works for you. 
It's entirely possible that the workout routine that worked for you before baby may not work now. You might have been an avid runner, but now you can't run with baby until s/he is older. Walks are great too - so take a walk instead... and run when you're able. If you used to spend time lifting in the gym, maybe you move to at home lifting around the baby's nap schedule (or, if baby is having a tough day, a ten minute set here and a ten minute set there!). Find what works for you. Commit to it. And make it work. 

So tell me, mommas, what's worked for you? How have you given yourself grace after baby? 

Newborn Essentials for Baby #3!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Hey! I actually have two hands on a computer! Oh happy day! It's been just over six weeks since baby number three arrived, and today I wanted to share some of the products that have made life that much easier this time around! If you've got kiddos (or spend a lot of time with kiddos!), I'd love to hear what your favorite products are too in the comments! 

The Haakaa 
It wasn't until after we had our second son that I started hearing about the Haakaa, and ohmygosh, I wish I had known about this thing sooner! If you're a breastfeeding momma, you need this in your life! Essentially it's a manual pump that you squeeze and attach to your breast, and the natural suction of the pump draws the milk out for you. I use this to catch let downs on the opposite side I'm nursing, and oh my GOSH have I collected a lot of milk! I've only used my actual pump twice but am already building a freezer stockpile which is amazing! And it's less than $15. You're going to want this one - trust me! 
Unbuckle Me 
One of the things I was worried about when we got the minivan was how I'd get everyone out of it (especially in the winter!). Our 6 and 3-year-olds sit in the backrow, and while our 6-year-old can buckle himself, he can't unbuckle himself... until now! Enter the Unbuckle Me! I saw this ingenious little invention when I was shopping on Amazon and watched the Shark Tank clip where its makers introduced it. I figured it was worth a shot! And my 6-year-old is able to use it with ease - and unbuckle his little brother (when he'll let him!)! There are times he can't quite get it, but 90% of the time he can, and that's AMAZING. If you've got older kids, I highly recommend this one! 

Boba Wraps 
So let's be clear that my baby boys love to snuggle. They love to be held. They love to be close. And I love it too. But I also need to do the things and be with the other children. So Boba wraps have been a lifesaver (yet again!). I love strapping the baby to me for walks, prepping dinner, playing outside, or even when he just needs a good nap. Boba is stretchy, easy to wash, and easy to take on the go. I honestly can't recommend baby wearing enough, and Boba makes it so easy! 

Mamaroo Swing
We've had several friends use and love the Mamaroo, but we already had a swing (that my children spent all of 10 minutes total in as infants), so I didn't want to invest in another one. But when friends were getting rid of one, we jumped on it, and OH MY GOSH, GET IT! Don't get any other swing! Just get the Mamaroo! Skip all other swings! This is the only swing I've ever successfully gotten a baby to nap in. And he'll occasionally stay in it contently while he's awake too! Get one second hand, but GET ONE.

Those are my favorite four baby items right now, but I'd love to hear what gear helped you with your littles! Drop them below! 

Welcome to our family, baby Charlie: A birth story!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Our final family member is HERE! And today on the blog, I'm sharing baby Charlie's birth story. Spoiler alert: his birth was my favorite of the three because I finally felt like I knew what to expect. 

I'd had my last appointment with my doctor on Wednesday, February 3 at 38.5 weeks. At the time, I was 1.5 centimeters dilated, and she told me if I wanted to, we could go ahead and schedule an induction for the following week since I would be over 39 weeks. We went ahead and scheduled it for a variety of reasons, but the main reason was because of the due date. Charlie was due on Henry's birthday, and the thought of not seeing Henry turn 6 was really making me sad. Inducing meant we would be home in time to celebrate with him, and I was really wanting that. 

So, I called her office on Thursday to make the induction appointment. At the time, they had me come in for a Covid test (my first one! Not terrible! Not my favorite!), and then we hunkered down. 

On Saturday the 6th, we had a super purposeful family day. We spent the entire day together playing, watching movies, and being our family of four. It was glorious, and it was just what we needed before baby came. 

At 2:30 a.m. on Sunday, I woke up to go to the bathroom. At the time, I remember thinking that I had a cramp, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. A few minutes later, another one, and a few minutes after that, another. They were still feeling really light, but I downloaded a contraction timer app and started timing just in case. Sure enough, they were 6-7 minutes apart, lasting about a minute each. At 3, Harrison called out over the monitor for Dan. I woke Dan up to see what Harrison needed, but I also told him I was pretty sure I was in labor so not to get too comfy in Harrison's bed. He asked if I thought it was for real, and I said I was pretty sure it was. 

Instead of going back to sleep, I decided to take a shower. Still SUPER glad I made that decision because within 40 minutes, I was waking Dan up to tell him he needed to get packed for the hospital. I called my parents around 3:50 a.m. telling them not to panic but that I needed them to get ready and head to our house to be here with the boys. Two minutes later, I called my doctor to tell her contractions were regularly occurring about six minutes apart, and she told me it was up to me if I wanted to head into the hospital. I gave her a resounding, YES, we'll be heading in. If there's one thing I've learned by my third labor, it's to trust my body and what it's telling me. 

My parents arrived around 4:30, and I knew for sure we needed to go. We headed out around 5, and got to the hospital to register around 5:30. By 6, I was in triage, and the doctor on call came in to check me. He told me I was dilated 4 centimeters, so he'd call my doctor to see if she wanted them to keep me. I knew in my head we wouldn't be leaving, but it still made me nervous to hear him say that! Approximately 2 minutes later, and to ensure we were able to stay, my water broke. So, we were admitted! 

INTERLUDE! This is my third pregnancy. My first, we got to the hospital around 1 a.m., and Henry was born at 6:38 a.m. With Harrison, I dilated from 3-10 centimeters in less than 80 minutes. We missed the epidural (ouch) AND there wasn't enough time to get the doctor, so the two nurses in the room caught him! So I know that I labor quickly and that we wouldn't be leaving the hospital even if they didn't admit us. Additionally, both Harrison and Charlie literally didn't drop until it was time to push, so that's never been a helpful indicator for me that my babies were coming. I had no idea that was a thing! But it is! 

Back to Charlie. By 7, we were in our hospital room, and meeting our delivery nurse, Julia. We have been blessed with the BEST nurses each and every labor, and Julia was no exception! She too is pregnant (due in April), and we had lots to talk about while we waited for Charlie to come. Once we knew for sure we were ready to go, I asked for the anesthesiologist so I could get my epidural. 

Now, I'd like to interject here and say I've labored all the ways. I've gone into labor naturally, I've been induced, I've had epidurals, I've given birth naturally. But I'll say that as Charlie's birth loomed nearer, I was starting to get some major anxiety remembering Harrison's birth. His was fast but terrifying for me, and it happened so quickly, there was no time to process. I didn't want that again. And I was on three hours of sleep and already in pretty severe pain, so I decided epidural was the way to go. 

Dr. Steele was in the room right as he came on shift, and once I had the epidural, I felt nothing. It was AWESOME! Julia checked me again around 7:45 and said I was between a 5-6, so now was time to rest. I couldn't, though. So we watched the morning news. And when Julia came back at 9:15 a.m. to check me again, she  said I was at 10 centimeters, and it was go time. WHAT?! I thought maybe around lunchtime! But nope, we were ready! 

She called for the doctor, and the rest of the nurses assembled, and it was time to push! I gave two pushes, and Julia said, "Look down! You can see your baby!" And it was the coolest freaking moment of the labor and maybe one of the top ten of my life. I'd never looked before - too scared with our first and too fast with our second. So to have that special minute is one I'll never forget. 

And on the third push, he was here! Charlie Joseph, our third sweet boy, arrived with a strong cry - our tallest babe (which makes sense because LORDY did I feel him moving around in there!). He's the perfect baby to complete our family, and we couldn't be more thrilled if we tried! 

Big brothers met him at home the following night, and it was love at first sight... and pretty much ever since! Our oldest especially adores him and wants to hold him all the time. Our middle son goes back and forth between loving Charlie and trying to figure out if he likes him. But that could just be the three-nager in him. 

Having a baby during Covid was definitely different. We were home from the hospital 36 hours after we got there, and of course, we had no visitors at the hospital. But it was really nice to have a little time just us before coming home and being a family of five. As much as we wished grandparents and friends could have come to meet him at the hospital and afterward, it WAS kind of nice not having to entertain or feel like we had to work around visits. Even the nurses in the mother/baby unit seemed to visit a little bit less (which, could also be due to the fact that this was our third baby. They made it super clear that we could page them at any time!). 

It's been two weeks since this little love came along, and we're just happy. Sleep deprived, caffeine-filled, and happy. It's cliche, but it sort of feels like Charlie's been here all along, and the transition from two kiddos to three hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be... so far. But we've also learned some tricks along the way, and I'll be sharing those with you soon! <3 

Photo Credit: OMG Photography

Word of the Year 2021: Cherish

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Many moons ago, I sort of gave up on the idea of New Year's Resolutions. It wasn't because I didn't see the value in them. I do. I just also believe that you don't need to wait until a new year to try something new. So I resolved to just make life changes as they come to me. 

BUT, that being said, in 2016, I adopted the idea of a one word focus for the year. I liked the idea of having something to center myself on when it felt like maybe I wasn't accomplishing things or just generally felt a little bit lost. I've always tried to find words that focused on family but also accomplishments (as you can tell, this is a theme in my Type-A life - gotta have those accomplishments there too!)! Words of years past included: 

2016: Thrive

2017: Count

2018: Flourish

2019: Intentional

2020: Connect (ha! virtually, maybe!) 

And so in 2021, as we get closer to our new baby arriving, as we become a family of five, as we (hopefully!) get back to spending REAL IN PERSON TIME with family and friends again, as my business is what it is because of the wonderful customers turned friends who support me, the word of the year for 2021 is:


I went back and forth between words many times before landing on this one, but ultimately this is what I kept landing on. I want to cherish these moments with Henry and Harrison before their new brother is born. I want to cherish those moments with our newborn when he gets here, even if I'm sleep deprived and it feels hard. I want to cherish the moments of being a family of five - something we've never been before. I want to cherish the moments with our family and friends and not take it for granted when we can see each other safely again. I want to cherish the quiet moments with a cup of hot coffee and a book and a warm couch to snuggle on. I want to cherish the messages and connections with my customers when they tell me we found the exact perfect piece of jewelry that tells their story or a bag they're obsessed with or skincare that's revolutionized their lives. I want to cherish the big moments and the little moments and every moment in between. I want to cherish it all. All of it. 

So when things start to feel out of control in 2021 (as at some point they surely will), I'm going to refocus on cherish - holding dear, keeping and cultivating with care and affection. <3 

Navigating a pandemic pregnancy: What I've learned so far

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Let's dive right in, shall we? When the ball dropped on NYE 2019, my husband and I had some serious talks about whether or not we were going to add one more family member. We'd always been on the fence between two and three children, and we knew that if we were going to have another, it was now or never. We both turned 37 in 2020, and our oldest will be six next year, and we wanted everyone close together. So, we decided we'd wait until after our Disney trip in February, and then we'd see what happened. 

Well, as you know, the world exploded. We returned home from Disney on March 4, about five seconds before everything in the world shut down due to Covid. Life got strange in so many ways. But our plan stayed the same - we knew we still wanted to add another baby, and if we could, we wanted that to be soon. And, as luck would have it, in early June, I got a positive pregnancy test! 

But, navigating a pregnancy during a pandemic is WEIRD, for so many reasons. We knew several friends that were due at the beginning of the pandemic, but of course, they'd had no idea there would be a worldwide illness outbreak when they got pregnant. We, on the other hand, kind of knew what we were up against (although we hoped and prayed it would be long gone by the time the baby came). 

Gratefully, this babe is our third, so we knew what pregnancy was like during "normal" times. I was blessed with in person baby showers with our oldest, and we had a wonderful sprinkle with our second baby. I continued going to my favorite workout classes and taught Jazzercise until I was 35 weeks pregnant with both babes. People  hugged me. They touched my belly. I went to lunch with my girlfriends and playdates with my oldest, and life continued as normal. 

This pregnancy has been - weird. I haven't seen more of my friends in person in months. Most have never seen me pregnant this time around. It feels weird to not physically share such a monumental journey of having a baby with the people I'm close to. 

I haven't gone out to stroll the aisles of baby clothes, diapers, and gadgets for our little man. Gratefully, we have mostly everything we need already, but it feels weird to not take some of those quiet moments to just go look for new little things for him. 

Hell, the fact that we even found out the baby is a HIM is because of this pandemic! We didn't find out with our previous two babies, but of course, we had the luxury of having our families come to the hospital to meet our boys. This time around, his own brothers won't be there to meet him in his first few days, so we opted to find out so they'd know in advance what they were getting. 

But. BUT. 

There are so many great things that have come out of this pandemic pregnancy too. Honestly. 

Our family has spent more time together, and I feel like we've better prepared both brothers for what's to come. I know part of that is just KNOWING what it's like to have multiple kids, but I feel like we've gotten so much quality time together in these past several months, and I don't know if life would have naturally slowed down for us to do that otherwise. 

I've been able to tune in more to what my body is saying it needs. I tend to be VERY go-go-go, and that's great. But sometimes I ignore the triggers that say, "you need to slow down," or, "you're tired - you need to rest." While this pregnancy has been stressful just because of the state of the world, it's been so much easier to step back and listen (and take more naps!). 

I've savored this pregnancy more... I mean, maybe not that first trimester, but AFTER that part. Because of slowing down, I've noticed the flutters and the kicks and those things that much more - I felt this baby LONG before I felt the other two. 

Maybe it's the pandemic. Maybe it's knowing it's my last pregnancy. But it's made me more grateful for those moments. 

So, if you're in the midst of a pandemic pregnancy too, give yourself grace in all the things. Have gratitude when you can. Feel when you need to. And give yourself grace, always. 

And when you can, enjoy the ride. <3 

The end of an era: Hanging up my Jazzercise shoes

Saturday, October 31, 2020

A lifetime ago, I was 22. I'd just graduated from college, and I was about 15 pounds heavier than I started my senior year. I'd been pulling late nights working at our campus newspaper and snacking a LOT while grading papers student teaching, so it wasn't a huge shock to me that I'd gained weight. But I was uncomfortable, and I wanted to do something about it. 

So my mom suggested we join Jazzercise together. She'd done the program a few years earlier, and really loved it. I told her we could try it. 

And after my first class, I was hooked. The music, the dancing, even the strength - it didn't FEEL like a workout. It just felt fun! So it became my workout five days a week. I'd go on my way home from work or on weekend mornings. It was the first program I'd ever stuck with for more than a few months, and I lost the extra weight I'd gained from college. Win-win. 

About eight months after I'd started, the owner, a wonderful woman named Karen, approached me to ask if I'd ever thought about being an instructor. It was LITERALLY the day I'd gotten laid off from my first teaching job, and I thought - well if this isn't a sign, I don't know what is! 

So in 2006, I added aerobics instructor to my repertoire. And I started teaching - first in one location, then two, then three. I'd teach three classes a week, then five for many, many years, and at times, I'd teach up to seven when we needed subs (one INSANE summer week, I taught nine because so many instructors were out of town. I don't recommend that!). 

But, as much as it was about the classes and the workouts, it was never really about that at all. It was always about the people. 

I know it's cliché to say that this group of people is the best you'll ever meet. But it's true. Jazzercise became a family for me. It wasn't just seeing people in class. It was the relationships you formed outside of them too. The women I taught at southside Jazzercise cheered me on through my first half marathon training - I carried a magic wand they gave me for the whole 13.1 miles. I got ready for my first date with my husband at Jazzercise of LaPorte with fellow instructors Janet and Becca keeping me calm the whole time. And the women at Jazzercise of Mishawaka - we've attended each other's weddings and celebrated each other's babies and so much more. 

But now it's time to step away. And it's sad. But it's time. I haven't taught in a studio since March. Our newest family member is due in February. And we're about to have three amazing boys under six while I work from home doing something I LOVE. The time just isn't there. And it's time to prioritize other things. 

So as hard as it is, I walk away knowing that those people I talked about - the best ones you'll ever meet - are still there. Just because my time on a stage is ending doesn't mean the friendships are. And that makes me feel infinitely better about taking steps forward.  

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