About a year ago, it seemed like there was a buzz in the air about a business called House of Colour. Several ladies I'm acquainted with through S&D started their own businesses, and several more were going to them to "have their colors done." I was intrigued and started to follow along... and then I became a little bit obsessed!
The idea is simple: Everyone has undertones in his or her skin - either blue based or yellow based. If you're blue based, it means cool colors look best on you. If you're yellow based, warm colors look best. And within cool and warm, there are two seasons each - summer and winter for cool and spring and fall for warm.
I watched "makeover" after makeover in InstaGram stories - each client would first be shown with just a generic white cloth. But add in some WOW colors (the colors that you look best in) and the right lipstick, and BAM - the entire face changes. It's kind of mesmerizing to watch!
While I was pregnant, I did so little shopping. I already had maternity clothes from my previous two pregnancies, so I didn't really *need* to shop. Before I started buying again, I decided I really wanted to know what would look best on me - so that even if I was tired or had bags under my eyes from sleepless nights or didn't feel like putting on makeup, I could know that my clothes would be reflecting my best self. And when I told my hubby, he was totally on board with me going - especially when I told him it would make it easier to clean out our closet AND it would save us money in the long run because I wouldn't buy things I'd never end up wearing.
Let me digress for a paragraph and tell you that a closet clean out was WAY overdue. I'm essentially the same size I was in high school and college, which means I've rarely gotten rid of clothing because it didn't fit. So while I'd occasionally discard something I didn't like or something that was worn out, I've never *really* done a good closet overhaul. It was MORE than time to do it!
My appointment took about two and a half hours, and it was SO MUCH FUN! My consultant Kelly quickly zeroed in on the fact that I had yellow undertones (which, I was grateful for because it meant I could keep wearing all my gold jewelry!), and then deduced that I was an Autumn which was my guess before we started! Autumns look best in warm, earthy undertones - think olive greens, marigold yellows, rust oranges, and various shades of browns among others. We went through my colors and found the ones that look best on me and then tried a few lipsticks until we found one I loved. I left armed with the knowledge of what colors would be best for me to wear for all occasions. And, it made more sense why some of the things in my closet were things I never gravitated to wear - I think subconsciously, I knew those weren't the right pieces for me and that I didn't look my best in them. Kelly challenged me to wear my colors only for the next two weeks so I could really start seeing myself in them, and always the student, I happily obliged. I wanted to see this magic too!
When I arrived - Adding in makeup - Adding in my WOW colors and a lip color |
When I got home, the first thing I did was a massive closet overhaul. I literally went through every single item in my closet and sorted into three piles.
1. Autumn colors, Keep
2. Not Autumn colors, Still keeping (for now)
3. Not Autumn colors, Donate or sell
I'd say roughly 30% of my closet was already my colors, so it was easy to put that back in. When it came to things outside my season, it was a little more difficult. Honestly, I was shocked how EASY it was to get rid of items knowing they didn't serve me well. I still kept way more than I should have, but I told myself if I haven't worn it in the next six months, I would donate those too. Spoiler alert: I'm almost two weeks past my session with Kelly, and with the exception of bottoms, I haven't worn anything outside of my season. Even my shoes and jackets got an overhaul! I have a feeling I'll be donating a lot more at holiday time!
Next up was filling the gaps in my wardrobe. Bottoms are a struggle for me right now as I'm still losing baby weight, so I'm focusing on things with stretch there like leggings and elastic waisted shorts (praise be for those being in style right now!). I already had a lot of tops in my colors, but I'm working on adding in more of my blues and chocolate browns - colors that I never really wore before but now LOVE because I've seen the way they make my features pop. It's been fun to see what's out there (even if shopping online is a little more difficult than seeing the colors in person). There are even a few online retailers that sort their shops by House of Colour seasons, and there are a ton of fabulous consultants to follow on IG who share their finds too.
People have asked me what I feel like I got from this experience, and I've got to tell you, there's so much I took out of this! I think the thing that I loved most was seeing how well my seasons colors work together. It almost makes getting dressed idiot proof because my clothes all just WORK. As a newborn momma with a toddler and kindergartener, I'm grateful for ANYTHING that makes life (and specifically mornings!) easier.
Additionally, it was just cool to learn about the science behind color theory and why your colors work best for you. I still get to wear so many colors (and as Kelly said, "This is just information! You get to decide what you do with it.") and I suppose if I *really* want to, I can stray outside my season, but why would I want to when I know what works best for me?! I'm happy to rock my colors and continue to try new combinations and pairings with them.
I've been having so much fun playing with some of my new colors! |
If it's not entirely obvious from this post, I highly, HIGHLY recommend you get your colors done. You can search for a consultant near you on the House of Colours website (currently, House of Colour doesn't have a franchise agreement for Indiana, but there are lots of consultants in surrounding states). It was an incredible experience that's changed so much - well worth the investment!