So, since this question has come up, I thought this would be a great time to address it. I want to make it clear that we're in no way disappointed about having a third boy. Is there a part of me that hoped I'd one day have a girl child? I mean, yes! It would have been so fun to have a little lady running around the house and have the chance to raise a daughter. But there are lots of experiences in life I'll probably miss out on, and THAT'S OKAY. (Seriously, you should see my travel Bucket List - probably not getting to all those amazing places either!)
I could literally NEVER be upset about the fact that we've been blessed with three healthy babies and three healthy pregnancies. That's not something I take lightly at all. We are so lucky, and we know there are so many people who haven't had this experience. So, no, we're not bummed at all about having a third boy. I get that Gender Disappointment is a thing (it's real! I Googled it!). But mostly, we're just feeling really DAMN LUCKY.
We know boys in this house, and we love boys in this house. And now there will be three of them! Plus their daddo which means I'm pretty outnumbered.
Our biggest problem right now is NAMES, y'all! We never officially intended to have H names for the boys, but those were the names we loved most. And now, we're feeling a little stuck. We haven't found a H name for this baby we love, but we also want something that's complimentary with the names Henry and Harrison (your suggestions are MORE than welcome, although we do have one we're leaning toward!)! And we're definitely NOT tied to having a H name for this baby.
So bring them on, friends. What do we name this sweet little nugget?
Hayden sounds good with Henry and Harrison:)