Truth be told, I took on this word because I'll be the first to admit I spend too much time on my phone. As someone who predominantly works her business from her phone, it's present a lot (read: a LOT) in my day-to-day. And I don't want my kids growing up in a house where my face is in a phone more than their business.
Am I being more intentional? Yes. I'm spending more focused, quality time with my kids with less distractions. I'm putting the phone down more and more, and we're all going device and screen free a little more often. And I have to say, it's had a positive impact on all of us. Our four-year-old is in a WAY better mood when he watches less TV and iPad. Like way better. And my husband and I have commented more than once that we think screens are a catalyst to unsavory behavior for him. I'm using my time more wisely and making work fit into my life and not the other way around. And it's had a positive impact on our family unit as a whole - and for that, I'm grateful.
Is it a perfect system? No. I'm still working on some of my other Intentional goals, namely my nutrition (I just loooooooove sweets!), my reactions to things that are outside of my control (oooooooh life), and the things we bring into our home (seriously, how does so much stuff just accumulate so quickly?!).
But. But, we're moving in the right direction to being more Intentional.
So today, I'm posing the question to you. If you could choose an area of your life to be more intentional, what would you pick?
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