Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

The lazy girl's guide to gift giving

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

So, did you catch any of the Amazon Prime sales last week? I think the general consensus was that they were way overhyped, but I know there were still a few good buys! We didn't pick anything up, but the sale got me thinking about Christmas shopping. Christmas? Did I say Christmas? In JULY? I did. I said Christmas. 

I looooove gift giving. Love. It! But lately I haven't had a ton of time to go shopping with my favorite little buddy in tow. It makes it a little more difficult to pick out a heartfelt gift when you know there's a feeding coming up or a nap looming (or, just a narrow aisle way to navigate with a giant stroller!). It makes me feel uber-lazy, but I still want to give gifts that are meaningful and personal. 

Enter the lazy girl's guide to gift giving! 

I've compiled just a few of my favorite gifts that I want to share with you today... just in case you're in a lazy girl position too. :) 

Sparkle Box
This is easily my favorite gift to give right now! Sparkle Box is the fabulous brain child of my bestie Shannon. For just $25, you can send a fabulous box of jewelry to a friend! You select a style (anything ranging from On Trend to Boho to Subtle Style) and can send off a whole box of lovely to someone you love. You can sign up for multiple months and choose multiple styles or you can make it a one time deal. I love Sparkle Box for so many reasons, and one of them is that I can order it from the comfort of my couch! This is a guaranteed hit with the fashionistas in your life! 

So, I think this was my favorite birthday gift I received this year. My friend Erica got me a three month subscription to Birchbox (<-- Referral link), and I absolutely loved it! I'm not very creative when it comes to makeup, skincare, and hair care, so I've loved receiving my five samples each month! I've gotten everything from lip stains to eye shadows to BB Creams to perfumes to body lotions... even a hair clip! Some of the products I've liked way more than others, but it's been so fun to try out new things I never would have picked up before (like the most amazing leave in conditioning spray!). Again, easy to order from the comfort of your own couch, and so fun to receive the surprises every month! 

I know what you're thinking. "But Angela! You said this was the lazy girl's guide to gift giving! How am I supposed to give someone my time when I'm being lazy?!" And you're right. Giving the gift of time will require a little effort on your part. But I honestly don't know if there's a better gift, especially for a new parent or someone who might be overwhelmed with responsibility at the moment. When someone offers to do something for you, whether it's drop off a caffeine-laden coffee drink or throw in a few loads of laundry, ohmigosh that's meaningful. There are days when I wish I had 12 extra hours, and I know I'm not alone. So I figure if I can help someone tack one item off a to-do list, that's a major help. And the cost is minimal! Time, people. Give it! 

What's your favorite go to gift? Comment below and give me some new ideas! 


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