Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Stuff I'm loving Saturday #11: Time Balm concealer, Hip2Save and a new peanut butter!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's been a very busy few weeks around here, and because of that, I'm still finding all sorts of stuff to love! Without further adieu, here's the 11th edition of Stuff I'm loving Saturday! 
Cream Nut Peanut Butter
I pretty much love all peanut butter, but this one is a natural kind that has the best flavor out there! My mom picked this up for me awhile back, and it had been sitting in the pantry... Until I ran out of my beloved Skippy Natural. This is a super yummy replacement! It has the perfect peanut buttery flavor and tastes amazing in both smoothies and on sandwiches. Definite winner in my book! 

I seriously wish it hadn't taken me so long to find this Facebook page, as it's every money savers dream! The Facebook page and blog track down the very best deals out there and find coupons to make them even better! I've scored some amazing deals since I started following her including 10 Bath and Body Works hand soaps shipped for only $21, 5 Carter's sleep and plays for $25 shipped from Kohl's, and a totally free Automotive Weekly magazine subscription Dan (no credit card info required!)! I promised myself I'll only buy things I actually use or need... Because some of those deals are amazing! 
Image result for time balm concealer
Time Balm concealer
From, like, infancy, I've had really bad under eye circles. It doesn't matter what I eat or how much sleep I get, they tend to be just awful. This has magnified times ten since Baby Henry showed up! Luckily, Time Balm concealer exists! Within seconds, my under eye bags are covered, and it looks totally natural. Thank you, Time Balm, for making me look alive. 

A while back, I received an email to try out a box of snacks for free. Since I'm not normally one to turn down free snacks, I was in! Graze will send you four different snacks weekly, and they'll even send them to your work to keep you away from the vending machines! There are at least a hundred different snacks on the website, and you can rank them from love it down to a don't send this to me option (I did that with all the spicy options!)! The boxes normally run $6.99, and I was planning to cancel after my first one, but when I went to do it, they offered me my next box at half off, so I'm hanging around for one more week. They have a nice rewards program, and the best part is, you can try your first box for free too! Click on the links here, and head on over to Graze to give it a whirl! 

The right words in the right moments 
Every once in awhile, the right quote comes to me at the right time. This happened to me last night in the form if a bible verse my friend J posted, John 14:27 -- peace of mind and heart. I needed that in my second week of parenting! Love when the right words show up just when you need them!


  1. So you're like 30% of the reason I started a blog (you make it look so fun!) ... also, I've just always wanted to give it a whirl. :) Your "Stuff I'm Loving Saturday" posts are my favorite (like, always). Is it okay if I steal the idea and share some stuff I'm loving, myself? PS- Peanut butter? Yes. PPS- I miss you! Hope you're loving Mamaworld!

    1. I love that you're blogging! PLEASE steal the idea -- I would love to see what sorts of things you share! Go outside and enjoy some warmth and sunshine for me today, okay? Henry and I are eagerly awaiting the day we can go for some long walks! :D


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