Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Stuff I'm loving Saturday #10: SnipSnap, KEEP-Collective, and more!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

It's the weekend, and I couldn't be happier to bring you another Stuff I'm loving Saturday! There are so many awesome things out there right now that I just can't wait to share with you (including an entry in to the Sparkle Box giveaway!)!


This is my new favorite app because it's a total money saver! SnipSnap is a way to scan and save your coupons to your phone so that you don't have that moment at the store where you realize your coupons have been left behind. But more than that, it also compiles a lot of coupons for you! I haven't even used the scan portion of SnipSnap, but I have used the other coupons. For example, Babies R Us has a whole section on there, and we've gotten free baby bottles (seasonal ones by Dr. Brown's!) and a free package of diapers just by using the app! Lots of stores are on it including Bath and Body Works, Kroger, Kohl's, Michael's, and lots more! Download it for free and start saving now! 


I'm becoming completely obsessed with this concept! My friend Corrie had a Facebook party a few weeks ago for this new personalized jewelry company from Stella & Dot. KEEP-Collective (<--- that's the link for my party!) is a company that allows you to choose a "Keeper" (a bracelet or necklace) and "Keys" (essentially, charms) to customize your pick. You can keep it simple and monogram it with your initials or you can find a whole slew of of other options -- great items to showcase friendship, faith, family, hobbies, and SO much more! There are even keys for moms, brides-to-be, animal lovers, writers, teachers, hair dressers... essentially anything you can think of! The company just went public this week, and I'm thrilled to be hosting a Facebook party next week (want in? Let me know, and I'll add you!). My current Keeper is the Single Rose Gold, and I added to it the charms Mrs., Love, Mom, and a padlock to represent how Dan and I got engaged. I'm so in love with the personality behind each piece! 

Girl Scout Cookie Season

In my mind, there are five seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter, and Girl Scout Cookie season! Luckily, we're in one of my favorite seasons right now -- the one with Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Patties and Caramel Delights! I've heard this year that you can order your cookies online and have them shipped, but I've been doing a decent job tracking them down (first, at local Gap at our mall and then from one of my students who has a sister who is selling them!). My goal is to never run out of Peanut Butter Patties. Ever.

This diaper bag from Courtney Bock Designs 

Baby Putt's arrival has me all sorts of excited/terrified, so we've been doing a lot of prepping. One of the things we've already accomplished is getting our diaper bags packed, and when Courtney Bock Designs posted this gray and white diaper bag, I couldn't resist it! Since Baby Putt's sex is still a mystery, we monogrammed it with a mint colored P! I love it, and I can't wait to start toting it around! 

Sparkle Box giveaway! 

You still have two more days to enter the Sparkle Box giveaway being graciously hosted by Shannon at Sparkle Box! You can win a jewelry style box of your choosing (or pick a Surprise Me box!)! Visit the blog post for details on how to enter! And even if you don't win, you can use the code RUNBABYRUN at checkout to save 20% off of anything you order

So those are all the things I'm loving this week! What are you loving right now? 

An education on Indiana education

Thursday, January 29, 2015

I have always wanted to be a teacher. From, oh, I don't know, infancy, there was nothing else I wanted to be (well, there was a short-lived time period where I wanted to be an elephant (hey, I took it to heart when my mom said I could be anything I wanted)). I am so blessed to say that I love my job. I love going there. I love my students. I love my coworkers. 

But at this moment, I would be hard pressed to recommend anyone in Indiana to go in to education. 

But, WHY?!, you might ask. Because Indiana is losing its darn mind. 

Because the state won't allow the woman we elected to be the Superintendent of Public Instruction to do the job we chose her to do. 

Because more and more funding keeps getting taken away from public education. 

Because we have to turn our students who have thoughts and feelings and emotions and struggles and triumphs and tragedies into nothing more than numbers on a spreadsheet. 

Because so many standardized testing changes keep coming down the pipeline that teachers constantly, and I mean constantly, have to switch gears in order to best prepare students. 

Because teachers are having to spend more time preparing students for a test than they spend preparing them for college and careers. 

Because teachers are constantly under fire, seen as the enemy, or blamed for failures that might have nothing to do with them. 

Because even the happiest, most positive teachers I know are feeling burnt out. In January. 

It has been SO hard to be positive lately, because there are so many things that feel so wrong. It feels like Indiana's teachers are under attack. And just when we start to feel comfortable again, everything switches. 

It's not even that change is difficult (which, I'll admit, it is). It's that the changes are severe and sweeping and in no way shape or form are in place to benefit our students. 

And that makes me want to cry. If your children attend Indiana schools, or if you live in Indiana, or if you care about education, I encourage you to research what's happening in our state. Email your legislators. And make good choices on election day. 

Because education IS important.

A Sparkle Box giveaway you're going to want to enter today!

Monday, January 26, 2015

I just looooove kicking off the week with a giveaway. And today's giveaway makes me extra excited because it's a company that's near and dear to my heart! 

Welcome to Sparkle Box! I blogged about Sparkle Box a few months back when my fabulous fashionista friend Shannon first started this business, and I'm still totally in love with the concept. For only $19, you get a sparkly, shiny, awesome piece of jewelry hand-picked and mailed right to your door. You can order as often or infrequently as you like, AND, brand new, you can now sign up for 3, 6, or 12 month subscriptions starting at only $30 a month for THREE pieces of jewelry ($10 a piece?! That's pretty awesome!). 

The concept is simple: Log on to Sparkle Box and select your personal style. You can choose from a variety of jewelry types -- everything from Boho Beauty to On Trend -- or, you can even let Shannon decide for you and choose a surprise box. There's a Sparkle Girl option for girls ages 10-16 too! Once you've chosen your style, you can leave Shannon some notes if you prefer specific metals or have something particular in mind (or don't leave her any notes if you don't want to!). Once you've chosen your signature style, your box gets mailed within seven business days, and your awesome new piece(s) of jewelry will arrive on your doorstep! 

I ordered my own Subtle Style box in December, and I absolutely love the piece I got! 

It's literally gorgeous, and I wear it CONSTANTLY! The jewelry is absolutely beautiful, and there's a style there for everyone! You can even see some of the gorgeous pieces other Sparkle Boxers have gotten by visiting the Sparkle Box site! 

So, at this point, you've got to be convinced how awesome this service is, and now, you can enter to win your very own Sparkle Box! 

Entering is super easy thanks to Rafflecopter! And you get two chances to win!

1. Visit Sparkle Box and choose your favorite Box style. Come back here and leave a comment telling me what it is! Then, make sure you check mark the box in Rafflecopter to show you commented! 
2. Visit Sparkle Box on Facebook and like the page! Then, make sure you check mark the box in Rafflecopter to show you liked it! 

You can enter the giveaway through next Monday, and the winner will be announced right here! 

And if you just can't wait... or if you don't win... Shannon's offering a special for you too! Enter the code RUNBABYRUN at checkout and you can save 20% on ANYTHING you order! This is the perfect time to buy a box (or subscription!) for yourself, a friend, or a special Valentine in your life (yes, there's an option for that too!)! Don't miss out!  a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Update: The winner of the giveaway is Alison Gibb! Congratulations, Alison! If you didn't win this time, remember that you can still score 20% off your Sparkle Box using the code RUNBABYRUN! Do it now, and score yourself something awesome for Valentine's Day! 

Building our neutral nursery

Saturday, January 24, 2015

When Dan and I found out we were expecting, surprisingly, we agreed right away that we did not want to know the sex of the baby. I don't know why, honestly, and anyone who knows me will tell you how surprising it is that I, a TOTAL type-A planner, was willing to wait nine months to make a lot of decisions on colors and names and clothing. But for some reason, I just really wanted this to be a surprise, and so did Dan!

So when it came time to decorate Baby P's room, we knew we wanted to keep the palette very neutral. I've had an obsession with gray ever since we were planning our wedding (we chose gray tuxes over black), and I liked how we could accent with colors like coral, mint, pink, or blue once we knew the sex of the baby. We quickly decided on gray and white for the main motif, and then the real fun began! 

I wish I had a "real" before picture, because the real before picture would have showed the two-toned walls split up by a border of construction-type trucks. The border would have been perfect if we have a boy, but I didn't really love it for a little girl! So, the first photos I have are when we had primed the room and put the first coat of paint on. 
From there, we added a second coat of paint, and decided we really loved the color! We went with a light gray that actually ended up having a little more of a blue undertone than we were anticipating, but once we added furniture and curtains, I think it turned out beautifully! 
Once the room was painted, we started moving in! And today, the room looks something like this! 
Notice that AMAZING diaper stockpile in the corner there?! Are we lucky, or what?! 

Additionally, many of baby's drawers contain items we'll need the first few weeks. 
Top left drawer: Diapers, wipes, cream for baby's booty
Top middle drawer: Swaddle sleep sacks, hats, socks, and baby booties
Top right drawer: Hooded towels, wash cloths, extra changing pad covers
Middle left drawer: Swaddle blankets, soft amazing blankets and sleep sacks
Middle right drawer: Short sleeve onesies (rolled on the left hand side), long sleeve onesies and pants (middle), and long sleeve/pant outfits (rolled on the right side)
We also have one of the diaper bags packed and ready to go (this one will be for daddy!). And we've set up one of our diaper caddies that can be moved around the house so that we won't have to always run the baby to his/her room in order to get changed. 
I can't show you the closet yet (because, duh, I had to hide all of the stuff somewhere!), and we haven't done anything with our wall hangings yet because we're waiting until we know names to make those part of the decor too. But, those posts will be coming soon! 

Third trimester workout regimen: A sample plan and tips!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

With just a few short weeks of pregnancy left, I'm starting to feel the sluggishness creeping in. Prior to getting pregnant, and even through the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, I tried to work out with my normal schedule of roughly five or six workouts a week. Now, that's just not realistic anymore, especially since I'm on maternity leave from Jazzercise and thus not running to the gym all the time! 

If pregnancy has taught me anything, it's that you have to adjust your expectations and be willing to listen to your body. About a month ago, I had ankles the width of winter snow boots. It forced me to slow down a bit, and my body was thankful for it! But, last week, I only got in two or three workouts, and everything felt harder. Perhaps the two weren't related, but I couldn't help but wonder if my lack of moving led to a lack of energy. 

This week, I'm lowering my expectations a bit and shortening my workouts. Instead of my normal hour long sweat sessions, I'm aiming for half hour sessions roughly five days this week. I think it will help me have a better, more energetic, more productive week. 

Here's a sample of what my workouts will look like this week. 

Monday: Rest day (school is exhausting enough the first day of the week!)
Tuesday: 30 minutes on the elliptical, 5-minute arm workout
Wednesday: 60 minutes of Jazzercise (but only because we have our first two hour delay today, and I got the memo while I was still working out!) Jazzercise combines both cardio and strength. 
Thursday: Rest day OR prenatal yoga, if time allows
Friday: 30 minute body weight workout -- I love this one lately! 
Saturday: 60 minutes of modified barre
Sunday: Rest day OR prenatal yoga

Tips for working out late in pregnancy:

1. Adjust your expectations. I used to run at least once or twice a week, even throughout the winter. There's zero running in my regimen now. I'm just not able to do what I was in the beginning, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything! 

2. Try something new. Since I wasn't running, it gave me time to try a prenatal yoga DVD. I LOVE it! It's been a great addition to my routine, and I love the way I feel when I'm done with it. My back feels a LOT better since I've been doing it too! I'll take it! 

3. Switch up cardio and strength. I used to try to get both cardio and strength in to every workout. That doesn't always work for me now. So instead I try to rotate what I do each day. I feel like I can do more or push myself a little further if I haven't done the same thing back to back. 

4. Try a different time to workout. I used to rotate morning and afternoon workouts. But I've been so tired at night lately, the only way I've been getting in cardio workouts is in the morning. So, alas, I've been getting up early! It's not ideal, but it gets the workout in! Find the time of day that works best for you! 

5. Listen to your body. Some days, I just do NOT feel like working out. My swollen feet are often painful, or I would rather sleep for an hour instead of waking up early to workout. That's okay too! Your body and your baby know what's best. Listen to them! 

Find your happy space: Perfecting your blogging environment

Monday, January 19, 2015

As we've been spending time lately reorganizing our home, I've been perfecting my blogging area. I'm sure some bloggers prefer to work in a home office, but since our home office now doubles as a weight room, it's just not as cozy as it used to be. So lately I've been coming up with and writing my favorite posts from the couch in our sitting room. 

I adore this spot so much because I have everything I need - comfy couch, super cute decorative pillow (it reads "Happiness is a cup of coffee & a really good book), coffee table/foot rest for swollen feet, and our front window for natural light. I usually have a cup of coffee or tea nearby, and I can let the creative juices roll. 

But we're all different. So, when you're thinking about your blogging area, a few important points to consider. 

1. Find a spot where you feel totally comfortable. Consider what you want in a work space. Do you want a table to work on? A desk? Are you more of a lap person? Do you want to be able to sink in to a chair or couch? Think about what feels best to you. Try different areas to see where you do your best work. For me, having the window next to the couch makes me feel like I'm connected to the outside world even when I'm stuck inside. It's necessary for me. :) 
2. Make sure you have everything you need before you sit down. Keep your supplies on hand. I can't blog without a mug of something hot (bring on the hot chocolate tonight!), my water bottle, and my cell phone (because I need my WordSwag app to make all my cool word art!). If I don't have these things nearby, I'm more likely to get up, wander away, and get distracted by other things in our house. Keep those distractions at bay! 

3. Try to have an idea in mind before it's time to blog. Rarely do I just sit down at the computer and hope something comes to me. It just doesn't work that way for me. So I keep an ongoing file of ideas for days when my blogging brain just isn't working. It makes that time on the couch MUCH less frustrating! 
4. Surround yourself with things you love. Cozy pillows? Check! Bright colors? Check! Beautiful giant windows? Check and check. These are my must haves for successful blogging. Put items in your space that you love! For me, I sit directly across from our shelf covered with pictures, candles, friendship sayings, and happily ever after reminders. They make me happy, and when I'm happy, my posts are better! 

The hospital baby binder you will absolutely want to make!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Every once in a while, you find a kindred spirit. I have many, and one of them is my coworker Ashley. She is my organization inspiration! So, I was thrilled when Ashley gave me a baby binder as part of my baby shower gift! 

As any new parent will tell you, you're going to be exhausted in the beginning. The hospital stay will be a blur. The first few months will be extreme sleep deprivation. And, you're arguably going to be gathering a ton of important paperwork and information that you'll need organized (for the doctor) or want organized (for the baby book). But rarely is any new parent capable of doing this right away. 

Enter the baby binder! Ashley put together this AWESOME accordion baby binder so that we can keep it all straight in the days and weeks after Baby P is born.  
Each section is clearly labeled, and now, I share those sections with you!
  • Birth certificate and Social Security card
  • Pediatrician visits
  • Immunization records
  • Other health records
  • Insurance paperwork
  • Parenting articles/pamphlets
  • Keepsakes
  • Milestones
  • Receipts/Warranties
  • Manuals
  • Nursing/Feeding information
  • Miscellaneous 
I feel like this binder is absolutely genius, because I know there are going to be so many things to organize and that I would probably end up shoving it all in my purse or a pocket or anywhere I can stuff it, and later I would be hard pressed to locate it. This way, I can organize all of our necessary items for our baby and then I can place them where they need to be later down the line. 

Are you expecting, or do you know someone who is? Make this binder right now! It's an amazing gift to yourself or to give to others, and I honestly plan to prepare them for everyone I know who's having a baby (hint hint, expecting friends!)! Thanks, Ashley! I already know this is going to come in SO handy! 

Why I kinda hate online comments, in general

Thursday, January 15, 2015

As a journalism teacher, one topic that always ignites a spirited debate in my journalism class is the idea of online commenting. We look at comments written on news articles, and we decide whether or not online commenting should be allowed. The resounding answer is always yes, but most students agree that many times, comments are ignorant, hurtful, or entirely out of line. We tend to see these terrible comments, especially when people can write anonymously. But lately, I've been seeing more and more hurtful, rude, or unkind comments everywhere -- Facebook, Twitter, you name it. People seem more than willing to start attacks for no great reason. 

So, imagine my surprise yesterday when I learned someone had made a negative comment about me on Facebook! 

Now, granted, as a teacher who assigns a lot of homework, I'm sure people make negative comments about me all the time (hi, kids! do your research! write your Franklin Planner proposals!). :) BUT, this one was different because I'd never interacted with this person before. 

The back story: One of my awesome former students writes for LaPorte County Life, a great online site that promotes great things going on in our county. She's a talented writer and a great kid, so when we asked to feature me in a Teacher Shout Out article, I was more than honored! She asked me questions, and I sent her back my answers and a few photos that could be used for headshots, and that was that. She wrote a beautiful article, and I loved what she said (thanks for the honor, kiddo!)! 

So imagine my surprise yesterday when a coworker asked if I'd seen the comment on Facebook about me. I told her no, and although the comment had been removed, she reiterated the content to me: "While she might be a "good teacher," that outfit is totally inappropriate to wear to school." 

I started wracking my brain as to what photos I had sent. I knew I had sent a photo of Dan and I on our honeymoon in front of The Acropolis in Greece, but I couldn't remember the other photo I had sent. I knew it had to be something on my phone, because I'd sent it off quickly so my student wouldn't be waiting on me.

When I looked on the website, I instantly remembered. Are you ready to see the scandalous outfit I was wearing?
Yep, that's the one! This is the outfit that makes me a "good teacher" and also totally inappropriate.


First, I'm clearly in my home, as I don't tend to go to school barefoot. Or in shorts. In the winter. While I'm nine months pregnant. 

Second, I truly intended the photo to be a headshot, not a full body shot. But regardless, the last time I checked, teachers ARE allowed to wear shorts (look, they're even finger tip length!). Rumor has it they can even wear bathing suits sometimes too! 

Luckily, my skin is much thicker than it was years ago, because if it weren't, this comment by a woman I've never even met may have hurt my feelings. But it didn't. It just made me question, yet again, why people feel they have the right to say absolutely anything and everything online. 

I understand that everyone has freedom of speech in America, and I'm grateful for that. I also understand that people can and will post whatever they want online (just like this blog... that I'm now posting online). 

But I don't understand why people say unkind, hurtful, or inappropriate things online. Is it just because they can? Is it just because they're unhappy with their own lives? Is it just because they have a lot of free time on their hands? Is it just because they can hide behind a computer screen as they do it? Because I suppose my motto is that I wouldn't say anything online that I wouldn't say out loud to someone's face. 

I don't have the answers. What I do have is a takeaway lesson that I learned from one of my favorite people, Kid President. 

Be More Kind. 

Seriously, just do it. Bite your tongue just once, and see what happens. Did the world stop turning because a snarky comment died in your throat? No. Good! Keep stifling those little guys, and make the world a better place. 

And the Jamberry winner is...!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I'm SUPER excited to announce the winner of the Jamberry giveaway! If you haven't already liked Lindsay's Jamberry page, you're definitely going to want to so that you can keep updated on all the awesome Jamberry styles and news happening! 

So, before we get to the winner, these were my nails on the last day of the challenge: 
My actual nails were a total mess by the end of the 7th day (it seriously took everything in me to not take the polish off early!), but the Jamberry nails were still going strong (if not just slightly outgrown, thanks to a hefty dose of prenatal vitamins!). I really love the Jamberry nails, and there's no comparison -- they just work (and look!) better! 

Now on to the winner! 

I took all entries and wrote them on a piece of paper (sparkly paper, naturally). 
Then, I went to the website and entered the terms 1-8. And the winner is... 
Tabitha, you're the winner of the First Frost Jamberry nails! I will be in touch soon to take care of mailing these pretty little things to you! 

If you didn't win, take heart, there's still a chance to order! Check out all the amazing spring Jams, and get yours today! Major special thanks to Lindsay for sponsoring this awesome contest! If you have any questions (or want to score one of the samples!), please reach out to me or Lindsay! 

Stuff I'm loving Saturday #9: The Blacklist, finger puppets, Tazo tea, and more!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Greetings, all! I hope you've stayed warm and dry this week. The weather in the Midwest has been brutal this week! But, the weather seems to be breaking a bit, and for that, I'm grateful! 

I'm loving all sorts of things this week, and couldn't wait any longer to share them with you! 

The Blacklist

Are you watching this show? Because if you're not, you really need to be. Dan and I stumbled upon this series via Netflix, and I'm completely addicted (it's been the perfect Scandal replacement for now!)! The show focuses on FBI agent Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone) and her working relationship with big-time criminal Raymond Reddington. There's so much action and drama and I literally can't wait to see what happens next! It's mildly gory, so be prepared for that. 

Finger Puppets
I am completely obsessed with these finger puppets my friend Krissi made us for Baby P! They are so incredibly adorable that I can't wait to play with them with the baby (and/or play with them myself, whatever). Krissi swears her skills are nothing to write home about, but I told her I think she could easily sell these! I know these will be a favorite in our household for a long time to come!

Tazo Passion tea
This tea was a major Godsend while I was fighting a nasty cold over winter break! I steeped one bag and mixed it with a healthy dose of honey and a squeeze or three of lemon. Warm, sweet, and delicious! And the pretty purple color is just an added bonus! 

Jazzercise is going through a major rebranding right now! The reason? Our program is amazing, and we want to make sure everyone knows it! As an instructor, this is the program that has kept me happily working on my fitness for the past nine years, and I'm thrilled that we're going to be able to share it with more people! Check out the revamped website, and start right now for $0! You can't beat starting for free! 

The BOB Revolution stroller! 
Ermagosh! I am so totally in love with this stroller! Our incredible LaPorte Jazzercise family got this for us, and I'm so thrilled! I can't wait to spend mornings and afternoons running Baby P all over! I practiced in the kitchen once it arrived (since it's snowpacalypse 2015, no running around outside), and I already know this is the right stroller for us! 

Friday Foodie: Pumpkin chocolate chip bread on snow day #3!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Okay, I'll be real with you. I love a good snow day as much a s the next teacher. Or student. But by snow day three... I'm kind of over it. I've gotten in some great workouts! I've cleaned the house! I've finished laundry! I've made hearty meals! I've prepared the baby's room! I've been reading for fun! I've baked!

Holy wow, it's getting boring. 

Perhaps it would be less boring if we didn't just have two weeks off to do all of these awesome activities. Alas, I'm making the most of it today, and I'm trying out a new recipe to share with you! 

I'm a total sucker for anything containing pumpkin and chocolate chips. And to me, it's not just a fall thing. Pumpkin baked goods are happily accepted any time of year in my home! 

For multiple reasons, I love this recipe. The smell is amazing -- love the way those spices make the whole house smell sweet! 

Here's what you'll need! 


  • 1  and 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup of white sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 2/3 cups (or more!) semi-sweet chocolate chips
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9-inch loaf pan with non-stick spray. 

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and salt. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs and white and brown sugars until combined. Next, add pumpkin and oil. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and gently mix together (it's okay if there are a few lumps). Then, gently fold in chocolate chips. 
Pour the batter into the loaf pan. Bake at 350 for 60-65 minutes (you may choose to loosely cover the bread with aluminum foil after 30 minutes to prevent the top from getting too brown). You'll know the bread is done when you can insert a toothpick and have it come out clean. 

Allow bread to cool completely before removing and slicing. Keep bread in an airtight container at room temperature for up to ten days (umm, it definitely won't make it ten days in our house!). 

Note: If you don't have a loaf pan or want to make individual portions, you could make muffins instead! Follow the same instructions, but bake for only 17-18 minutes. 

Five simple ways to simplify

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Much of my winter break (and now, two unexpected snow days!) has been spent decluttering and getting rid of items we no longer need in our home. Dan and I have a lot of stuff. And we tend to have the bad habit of letting the stuff pile up until there's so much stuff that we HAVE to do something about it! 

But at times, all the stuff can be overwhelming. I've found that by keeping it simple, we've been way more successful. So today I've compiled my five favorite tips for getting rid of or organizing all the stuff you have in your life! 

1. Start small.
Don't plan to tackle the whole house at once. That's overwhelming. Start small. Do you have a six-drawer dresser? Go through one drawer each day, and in less than a week, it'll be cleaned out. Does that family room seem overwhelming? Go through everything piled up on the coffee table one day, and then tackle the magazine pile the next. Large wars are often won through small battles. The same is true for cleaning out your home. 

2. Keep ongoing donation/garage sale piles. 
We keep a bag in our bedroom for items we want to take to Goodwill. Once the bag is full, we put it in the car, and the next time we drive by a donation center, we drop it off. We also have an ongoing (read: massively large!) garage sale pile in our basement (we missed our neighborhood garage sale last year, and of course that was right when we were combining households!). I can't wait until the spring when we can sell or donate whatever is left. We want our storage space back! 

3. Purge the junk.
Whatever you do, don't let the junk in! When you grab the mail, stand by the recycling bin, and chuck in anything you don't need or want in the house. If you have an item that is broken or worn, get it out of the house. If you've outgrown something or no longer want something, again, get it out. Junk piling up is the enemy. You want it gone, so make it gone! Trash it, sell it, or give it away. 

4. Delete the emails. 
Over the years, I think I've signed up for about a million different emails. I get emails for stores I no longer shop at, tickets I purchased five years ago, and other random things that I absolutely don't need! So lately when those emails have come in, I've been unsubscribing as quickly as I get them. I know it doesn't take a ton of time each day to delete them, but why get them if you don't have to? Get those junk emails out of there! 

5. The 333 challenge. 
I originally saw this idea on Be More with Less, and I think it's a really interesting concept. The idea is that for 3 months, you simplify to just 33 things. So, for instance, you only keep 33 items in your wardrobe (you don't get rid of the rest of it -- you just box it up and can use it again after 3 months). Or, you make a grocery shopping list that includes only 33 ingredients. The idea behind this is that if you simplify, you'll be happier and have more focus for what's really important in life. I love this concept... but I don't think I'm ready to try it yet! 

My first Bock Box subscription review!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I had a really hard time making a Christmas list this year because my normal go-to item (read: clothing) was nowhere on it. I have no idea what size I'll be post baby, and with less than six weeks to go, I really didn't want to get a whole lot of new maternity clothes. So, my lovely mother gave me an awesome American Express gift card (thanks, mom!), and that money was burning a hole in my pocket. 

At the same time, I loooooooove getting treats in the mail. Is there anything better than coming home from a long day at work and finding something fantastic waiting for you in the mailbox? Methinks not. That's probably why I love services like Stitch Fix and Sparkle Box so much! But, for Christmas, I wanted to try something new. 

Enter the Bock Box! 

I've been toying with the idea of ordering a Bock Box ever since I saw it on the Courtney Bock Designs web site. The Bock Box is a monthly subscription service (available in 3, 6, or 12 month increments), and you fill out a questionnaire including your sizes, monogram initials, favorite colors, special interests, and more. Then, each month, a beautiful box shows up at your door containing surprise treats chosen especially for you! AND, you get a stunning amount of products! A 3-month subscription costs $50, but you're guaranteed to get at least $70 in product, a 6-month subscription costs $100, but you're guaranteed to get at least $150 in product, and a 12-month subscription is $185, but you're guaranteed to get over $300 in product. That just can't be beat! 
I filled out my questionnaire on New Year's Eve, and received my Box today, so it was a super quick turnaround! In my survey, I made sure to say that I love all things related to fitness, reading, writing, coffee, and babies (I also made sure to include that I'm currently 8 months pregnant, so the size I put down for the shirt definitely will not fit right now!)! 

And I'm THRILLED to show you what I got in my first Bock Box! 

My items this month focus on all things baby, which are right up my alley! First up is the 8x8 My To Do's Before I'm Due note pad. I love the large pages, and I really love the subtle Greek Key symbol all over the page (it makes me think of our amazing honeymoon!). I was planning to start my hospital packing list, and this thick card stock note pad is the perfect place to do it! I also received the gorgeous Kate Spade Dear Babysitter note pad. It includes 75 pages where we can write instructions to our sitters including where we'll be, bed times, allergies, and contact information. I'm a sucker for anything Kate Spade, and I know this note pad will come in so handy over the next several years (or while the supply lasts!)! 

One of the things I really love about the Bock Box is that each box is unique to each person. I have a few other friends who started subscriptions this month, and their boxes were totally different (one received a monogrammed Kate Spade Planner and the other received an adorable tank top and hair ties since she also loves to work out)! I love the personal touch that went in to making the box for each person, and I'm already so excited to see what the three of us get next month too! 

Interested in trying out the Bock Box? Visit here for ordering information (and for a limited time, use the coupon code 2015kickoff for an extra 15% off your order!)! 
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