Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Stuff I'm Loving Saturday #6

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Saturday! One of my favorite days of the week! We have one more week left in our first trimester at school. I cannot believe the school year is almost 1/3 of the way over! More than that, though, I can't believe this is my last full trimester of teaching this year. With second trimester ending February 27, and Baby P slated to make an appearance sometime mid-month, I don't think I'll make it all the way until the end of the trimester. It's mind blowing to think about that... that our baby will be here before I submit final grades again! 

I've been thinking about all of the things I'm loving this week, and came up with a pretty awesome list! What sorts of things are you loving this week? 

Team Taught Group Fitness Classes:
Last week, I had the opportunity to teach not one but TWO Jazzercise team taught classes! In South Bend, we had an awesome "sport set" put together, and six instructors participated. It was so much fun to see our 25ish students having a blast. The energy in the room was contagious! Then on Halloween, instructor Heather and I taught a Latin set in LaPorte. She dressed as Pitbull (including a bald head and some pretty rockin' facial hair), and I attempted to be J. Lo (if only I could have moved my belly around to my behind!). We had a blast, and it was a great way to kick off a fun day! 

Girls On The Run:
This morning, I had the chance to volunteer with Girls On The Run of Northwest Indiana. It was a chilly, rain-spitty morning, but the girls running were SO excited, and their buddies were being great sports. My favorite moment of the day is when I saw a little girl who had previously registered with her running buddy dad come back from the hair painting table. She had gone with a hot pink ponytail, and shaved-head dad opted for a green and pink skull. You have to love that kind of support! I love the message of being happy and self-confident that GOTR supports, and think it's such a great activity for girls to be involved in!

Anything Storage Related: 
We've been going on a cleaning/reorganizing/purging session in our house as of late, and I'm loving literally anything storage related. Totes, bins, sacks, boxes, they're all making an appearance in our home right now! 

Scentsy Fuzzy Blanket scent:
I went to a Scentsy party earlier this week at my best friend Shannon's house, and fell in LOVE with a scent called... Fuzzy Blanket! I don't even know how to describe it other than to say it's exactly what you want a warm, fuzzy blanket to smell like. If you get your hands on some Scentsy soon, you have to give it a try! I can't wait to get the bar I ordered! 

Amazing Kids Being Recognized: 
I posted this video earlier this week, but it warrants being posted again! One of my amazing newspaper staffers, Michael Varda, was honored as the WSBT Burger King Outstanding Athlete of the Week. His story brings tears to my eyes every time I see it. He's such an awesome kid, and deserves all the good things coming his way! 


  1. Some of my friends that are obsessed with organizing love Thirty-One. I keep looking at things but haven't purchased anything. Are there any brands you are loving? (Personally I'm trying to find better organization for my craft supplies.)

    1. Currently, I'm toggling between those big Sterilite plastic totes (for things that need to be in storage) and those 12x12 fabric storage bins (we got a ton at Bed, Bath, and Beyond). I like those because I can store things individually on closet shelves. I also really want to get some of the monogrammed Courtney Bock Designs storage bins for our blankets and things for the family room.


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