Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Stuff I'm loving Saturday #5

Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's an overcast morning here in northern Indiana, but it's 52 degrees, so I can't complain too much! This weekend's weather is looking to be absolutely perfect for the end of October, and I'm so excited to do some autumn activities (pumpkin carving, here we come!)!

This week, I've discovered some of my favorite things yet, so I had to write a post bringing them to you! I hope you try them, and love them just as much as I do! 

The Adventures of Lulu

My friend Shannon posted this Facebook page last night, and I've literally been laughing ever since! If you haven't checked out The Adventures of Lulu yet, you absolutely have to. Long story short, a little girl (Bailey) was at a Halloween store with her family, and fell in love with this creepy doll that she's since named Lulu. Bailey and Lulu do everything together, and while this might creep out onlookers, Bailey's parents see it as a way to promote love and acceptance of everyone and everything, no matter how hideous it may appear. Plus, the photos are hysterical! There's nothing like seeing a little girl coloring with a demonic doll overseeing it! Love, love, love this so much! #ChooseKindness #LoveIsBlind

Bear Naked Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Granola Bars

These are a little bite of heaven! Total impulse buy last weekend at Target, but I don't regret it for a single second! You know those delicious no-bake cookies? Yeah, it's like having one of those, but with 8 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber! Now, they do have 250 calories each, so I don't recommend housing the entire box of them, but these are so delicious, I actually hid them from my husband (sorry, honey!)!

The Fall Colors at Saint Mary's 

Hello, gorgeous! Yesterday, I had a little time before an appointment, so I decided to return to Saint Mary's to take a drive down The Avenue. This was always my favorite time of year at Saint Mary's, because everything there is extra beautiful! I love seeing trees when they're not quite completely turned yet, and this one made me extra happy. :) 

Pregnant Runs
I'll be totally honest when I tell you today was my first run in three weeks. It's been hard to motivate myself to get out the door at any point during the week, but the weather today was perfect, and I literally had no excuse. I only did 2.5 miles, and I did them slowly. Slllllllllllloooooowly. But it gave me time to think about things (like what I wanted to include in this blog post!), and for that, I'm grateful. A little head clearing is always a good thing. 

What are you loving this weekend? 


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