Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Field trips are for teacher learning, too!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Yesterday, I had the amazing opportunity to do something I haven't done in about a decade... I went on a field trip! 

The Rotary Club invited our high school to their World Affairs Conference on Child Slavery. At first, I was a little apprehensive, as the topic is heavy, and I didn't know if students would be interested. But low and behold, I recruited ten awesome students to go with me, and so we left on a school bus to head to Valparaiso for the conference. 

The conference was very well organized, and the morning started with donuts (a real crowd pleaser!) and a filmed piece from a woman who is actively involved in stopping child slavery and human trafficking around the world. But more than that, her intent was to show us how much we actually use that's probably been touched by the hands of humans being trafficked. 

Wearing clothes made in Vietnam or Bangladesh? There's a high probability child labor was involved, whether forced or otherwise. Passing out popular chocolate candies tonight to your Trick or Treaters? Chances are child workers are the ones who picked the cocoa beans to make that chocolate. While most major companies would never admit to using child laborers (because technically, they don't), the third party companies they use don't necessarily follow the laws. 

What hit home even more came in the second presentation from a Valparaiso University professor. We tend to think of child slavery and human trafficking as things that happen in other countries. But it's estimated that nearly 300,000 slaves are in the United States right now (estimated, because, as the professor said, no one keeps really great data on illegal practices). And 83% of those slaves are American citizens. 

Last year in Indiana, 53 cases of human trafficking were reported. FIFTY THREE. That statistic alone makes me want to cry. Most of those cases were reported in either larger cities or along major highways. 

So, who's at risk? Well, almost anyone. That's what the conference presenters really wanted the kids to see. Those who might be more at risk include those ages 12-14 who use social media and those who feel isolated or alone. Those who may not feel close to their families or don't have a lot of friends are often the ones targeted by traffickers. But anyone could be affected by this, and I think they presented that message loud and clear. 

My ten students and I all left with the same questions on our minds: What do we do now? And how can we help? 

And essentially on our bus ride back, we came up with this:
1. Spread the word. Through things like this blog. And newspaper articles. And presentations. And discussions. 
2. Be on the lookout for anything suspicious and report it. If someone is in immediate danger, call 911. Or, if you suspect something is fishy, call the National Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888. Or, you can even text them at BeFree (233733). 
3. Visit the NHTRC website. Check out their information and see what resources they offer. 
4. Don't participate in anything that promotes trafficking culture. Avoid parties or events that glorify trafficking (anything pimp themed, for instance). 
5. Focus a project on human trafficking. Write a research paper, create a poster, or focus a persuasive speech on trafficking, and explain to classmates how serious of a problem this is. 
6. Buy Fair Trade whenever possible. It's hard to know where our food comes from (because even if it's canned or boxed in the USA, it doesn't mean it was grown here). But if you're able to get your hands on Fair Trade products like coffee and chocolate, you're making a difference. 

Whatever you do, do something. Speak out. Tell another. Pass along the contact information to call for help. But do something! If everyone of us did one thing, there would be so much more knowledge and awareness of this major problem. 

Stuff I'm loving Saturday #5

Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's an overcast morning here in northern Indiana, but it's 52 degrees, so I can't complain too much! This weekend's weather is looking to be absolutely perfect for the end of October, and I'm so excited to do some autumn activities (pumpkin carving, here we come!)!

This week, I've discovered some of my favorite things yet, so I had to write a post bringing them to you! I hope you try them, and love them just as much as I do! 

The Adventures of Lulu

My friend Shannon posted this Facebook page last night, and I've literally been laughing ever since! If you haven't checked out The Adventures of Lulu yet, you absolutely have to. Long story short, a little girl (Bailey) was at a Halloween store with her family, and fell in love with this creepy doll that she's since named Lulu. Bailey and Lulu do everything together, and while this might creep out onlookers, Bailey's parents see it as a way to promote love and acceptance of everyone and everything, no matter how hideous it may appear. Plus, the photos are hysterical! There's nothing like seeing a little girl coloring with a demonic doll overseeing it! Love, love, love this so much! #ChooseKindness #LoveIsBlind

Bear Naked Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Granola Bars

These are a little bite of heaven! Total impulse buy last weekend at Target, but I don't regret it for a single second! You know those delicious no-bake cookies? Yeah, it's like having one of those, but with 8 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber! Now, they do have 250 calories each, so I don't recommend housing the entire box of them, but these are so delicious, I actually hid them from my husband (sorry, honey!)!

The Fall Colors at Saint Mary's 

Hello, gorgeous! Yesterday, I had a little time before an appointment, so I decided to return to Saint Mary's to take a drive down The Avenue. This was always my favorite time of year at Saint Mary's, because everything there is extra beautiful! I love seeing trees when they're not quite completely turned yet, and this one made me extra happy. :) 

Pregnant Runs
I'll be totally honest when I tell you today was my first run in three weeks. It's been hard to motivate myself to get out the door at any point during the week, but the weather today was perfect, and I literally had no excuse. I only did 2.5 miles, and I did them slowly. Slllllllllllloooooowly. But it gave me time to think about things (like what I wanted to include in this blog post!), and for that, I'm grateful. A little head clearing is always a good thing. 

What are you loving this weekend? 

Favorite Fall eats and treats: Recipe roundup!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I just love this season. Perhaps I love it a little extra today because it's a gorgeous day, and I'm already home from school (Hellllllllllllllo, Fall Break!)! When I started thinking about all of the things I want to do (note: want, not need!) this weekend, baking absolutely tops the list. I've yet to get any of my favorite treats made for the season, and it needs to happen! 

And this got me thinking about my favorite (read: EASY) recipes as of late. Time has not been on our side lately, so quick, healthy, delicious meals are right up our alley these days. 

Main Meal:
On Sunday, I knew we wouldn't be home until late, and I REALLY wanted to have dinner ready by the time we walked in. Enter this awesome Slow Cooker Chicken Chili. It tasted good on Sunday, but it actually tasted even better the next day after it had marinated a bit more (why is chili like that?!). I added extra beans and served it with a salad and a few pieces of crusty bread. As an added bonus, it's a Weight Watchers recipe, so I didn't feel guilty about going back to grab more (with cheddar cheese on top, of course). 

Midday Snack: 
I freaking love pumpkin seeds. In fact, pumpkin seeds are the reason I bonded with one of my lifelong friends, Lynn (check out her blog here!), in college! Thanks to my aunt and uncle, we have an awesome, giant pumpkin hanging out at our house, and I'm just waiting until the weekend to dive in to it. Dan can carve... but I want to get my hands on those seeds! Pumpkin seeds are so good for you, but they're delicious to boot, and you can season them a whole variety of ways! Check out this awesome site to find recipes for natural, savory, lemony, or even "Halloweeny" pumpkin seeds. Try a few, and let me know what your favorites are! And definitely eat them while they're warm -- they're so much better that way! 

Seriously, people, I feel like I've been eating my body weight in sweets lately. Probably because I have, but that's not the point. The point is, some of the best flavor combinations come from this season (hello, Salted Caramel Mocha!). My absolute favorite are these amazing Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies, because they're so addictive (try to stop at just one -- I dare you!)! Easy to put together, delicious to eat, AND, there's a vegetable in there, so you can feel sorta okay about your choices! 

What are you favorite autumn recipes? Any you're willing to share! I've got three days off and a kitchen just waiting for me! :) 

What I love now that I HATED as a kid

Monday, October 20, 2014

This morning on my way to work, I felt a giant sense of relief. Why, you might ask? Because I knew that upon getting home from a long day at work and an even longer evening of teaching Jazzercise that waiting for me in the fridge was a giant vat of chicken chili just waiting to be warmed up. 

Yes, I'm saying it. I LOVE leftovers! 

As a kid, I can remember begging NOT to eat leftovers. It didn't matter what it was... macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly... if I knew it had been served before, I wanted no part of it at meal time. 

And this got me to thinking about all of the things we take for granted as children that we're THRILLED to have as adults! Please feel free to add your own to my list, as I know I'm forgetting other wonderful things! 

For sheer ease, leftovers are the thing I most love in adulthood that I hated in childhood. There's something so calming about knowing that the next meal is taken care of, and all it requires is heating up. Nowadays, I love any leftovers I can get my hands on (but not in a creepy Extreme Cheapskates kind of way (did you see the one where the man went around the restaurant asking for other people's cast off food? ICK!)). 

What was wrong with us that we fought these as children?! Why, why, why would we do such a thing? We should have been jumping for joy when it was naptime, because I do a little happy dance if I know I can get in a 20-minute snooze at some point during the day. 

A Routine:
I'm not sure I really hated having a routine as a kid, but I definitely value it more as an adult! There's something comforting to me about knowing where I'm going and what I'm doing each day.

Practical Gifts: 
Remember when you were a kid, and you would get socks or underwear or a picture frame or something of that nature? Yeah, as a kid, I hated those gifts, but now I'm super pumped about things like clothes, toiletries, and home decor. Bring it! 

What are some things you hated as a kid that you love now? I'd love to add more to the list! 

At home workouts (for everyone!)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

If there's anything I'm learning about pregnancy, it's that when you're tired, you're tired. And that's taken a bit of a toll on my workouts as of late. 

Last summer and fall, I was a 5k and 10k running machine, and I felt great while doing it. This year, it's taken a lot of effort to get in one 2-3 mile run every week (to be fair, the weather has been suuuuuuper rainy lately). But even though I'm not running, I still want to be working out at home, especially since my schedule has been all over the place lately. 

Therefore, I've been trying all sorts of new workouts lately, sometimes out of necessity, sometimes out of boredom. I love teaching my four Jazzercise classes a week, but I also think cross training is so important, and I love what I've found to mix it up! 

Here are some of my favorites as of late! 

Prenatal Barre

This one hour workout is an awesome cardio and strength combo! I'd been taking some amazing Barre classes at B Present Studio in Granger prior to getting pregnant, but felt too sick over the summer to really make a go of it. I've yet to go back yet, mostly because my schedule lately has been insane! This prenatal Barre workout is an awesome addition to what I'm already doing! I was a little nervous when I started the video, because I thought the pace might be too slow, but it kicked up in a hurry! It's a great class when I want to get a workout in at home, and I think this class would be a challenge for anyone! 


I'll be the first to admit that I've never been good at yoga. I'm totally inflexible on a good day, and I can't clear my mind for anything. But lately I've been struggling with a pretty sore back, and I want to get in extra stretching. Enter the Do Yoga With Me website. I LOVE this site! You can choose a class that just's right for you based on your ability level. Additionally, you can find yoga for the morning, afternoon, and evening, and choose whatever type of yoga you like (for FREE!)! Great classes, and that makes me happy! 

Upper Body Workout

PopSugar has long been my go-to website for great workouts, and this 30 minute upper body workout is definitely a pumper! I'm loving doing this routine after a little while on the elliptical, and my arms and shoulders definitely feel the burn! Great workout for a day when you don't need to use your arms for a whole lot. 

Do you have any favorite at home workouts you've been doing lately? 

Stuff I'm loving Saturday #4

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Greetings, all! In an attempt to blow off my grading just a little bit longer, I thought I'd give the blog a quick update! Since it was a beautiful Fall Saturday, I figured I would update some of the things I'm loving right now! 

Our Annual Saint Mary's Tailgate: 
I did not get the squatting memo for the front row.
Today was our annual Saint Mary's Tailgate at Notre Dame. We started this tradition about four years ago, and it has been SO much fun!  Over the years, we've realized what it takes to make a successful tailgate, so now we actually have real meal food (instead of just a ton of snacks. And alcohol.), along with our favorite dessert, the cookie messenger! I keep thinking back to tailgates of past years and all the fun we had at those, and how now our little group is changing. We've switched jobs, moved to new homes, and been on incredible trips. We've added fiances and husbands to the mix. And we have one baby already in the group, and at least three more will be with us by next year at this time! More mouths to feed, but more fun to share too! The weather today was PERFECT for a tailgate party, and it was so wonderful to see everyone!

Gone Girl, the movie:
I voraciously read Gillian Flynn's novel a few years ago because I literally could NOT put it down. I loved her writing and her characters (even if they're all crazy). So, when I saw the movie version was coming out, I was so excited to see it! It did not disappoint. We went last night with my sister- and brother-in-law who hadn't read the book and didn't know the plot line of it, and when we left the theater, we were ALL talking about how incredible it was! My brother-in-law said he thought it was Ben Affleck's best acting yet! If you have even an iota of interest in this film, go see it! It's the best movie I'd seen in the theater in years! 

Weekends at home:
We've been doing lots of traveling and running around as of late. I love it, and I love seeing our friends and family, but I'm very much looking forward to the next several weekends where we won't be doing too much travel and don't have too much on our calendars. We desperately need to tackle projects around the house so we can get some of these things knocked out before Baby P arrives. Up next: Organizing the pots and pans, painting the nursery, and tackling/shifting our basement storage. Sometimes I wish we could make a clone Angela and Dan and just relegate them to taking care of household duties! 

Spaghetti squash: 
Spaghetti squash is my FAVORITE easy weeknight meal, and the squash around here this Fall have been GIGANTIC! There are lots of recipes all over Pinterest, but my favorite way to eat it is with tomatoes marinated in olive oil and Italian spices topped with feta cheese. Seriously, so yummy, and so quick to make! 

That does it for me! I hope you're having a wonderful Saturday, and Go Irish! 

Today was a total Monday

Monday, October 6, 2014

I have a confession to make: Monday is NOT my least favorite day of the week. I've always sort of disliked Tuesdays. You see, on Mondays, I'm always a little bit excited to go to work. I like seeing my coworkers and students, and I like catching up with everyone about what took place over the weekend. Normally, I'm pretty pumped for a good Monday! 

But today, I TOTALLY get why people dislike Mondays. 

Today was a total Monday. 

This weekend was absolutely fabulous. Dan, my cousin Amanda, my parents, and I all loaded in to a car to head to Cleveland, Ohio, for my cousin Christopher's wedding. Chris is the first boy cousin on our side to get married, and we're thrilled to gain Mary in the family! The whole wedding was beautiful, and the bride and groom are so happy and in love! I would post pictures, but apparently only one thing was on my mind at the wedding, and so what I took pictures of included my dinner and their cupcake display. Fail at getting any real live humans in the photos. Seriously, though, it was a fantastic party! 

But apparently, I partied myself into exhaustion, because not even eight hours of sleep last night helped my case by the time the alarm went off this morning. 

I woke up groggy and grumpy, which is something I'm not used to. Usually, I'm that girl, and when my alarm goes off, I'm bounding out of bed and ready to take on the day (this is, of course, much to my husband's annoyance). Today was just not that party. 

Since I have a love/hate relationship right now with coffee, I didn't have any caffeine at work, and that led to super grogginess by the time third hour rolled around. My students, angels that they are, were perfect today, though, and mostly did their work without me having to bug them too much. 

I'm hoping after a good workout tonight and another good night of sleep, I'll be feeling like a whole new person tomorrow. The kids don't have school, but we have an inservice day, which means 30 extra minutes of sleep AND we get to go out to lunch! So maybe my Tuesday just had to be my Monday this week! 

Hope your week is off to an energetic start! 
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