Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

#RWRunStreak (the first half)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

If I'm going to complete a run streak in the frigid cold of Northern Indiana's winter, I figured it's best to document it. So, here, in all its glory, my running log from Thanksgiving Day to the half way point.  

Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 28): I started the run streak with one slippery mile in the subdivision with my running pals Dan and my cousin Amanda. Thank goodness for running buddies! We took it WAY slow, but got our mile in with none of us falling! Win!

November 29: One more slippery mile with Dan around the subdivision. I wanted to do more, but it was way too icy. So, instead, I ran one mile and then did 30 minutes on the elliptical, plus strength. Hoping for a great run tomorrow! 

November 30: It was perfect running weather today! Totally sunny and 42 degrees led me to a fast and fun 5K. 

December 1: Not quite as beautiful today, and seriously lacking motivation. But, got my one mile in! 

December 2: Today I woke up at 5:20 a.m. so that I could run one mile before teaching morning Jazzercise. And then I taught Jazzercise at night too. A mile and a double on a Monday required some serious motivation! 

December 3: Tonight, I literally had fifteen minutes from when I got home from school until I had to leave for a pot luck dinner. I threw on running clothes and ran the fastest mile I possibly could around the neighborhood. I finished in 7:46, which I think is my fastest mile to date. Mini accomplishments rock! 

December 4: Early morning run before work. 

December 5 and 6: Both of these runs were a quick one mile on the treadmill before my Jazzercise classes. It's amazing how much more energy I have for my classes, though, when I've run a little bit beforehand! 

December 7: Will forever be known as the day I ran one mile with a tummy stuffed full of Chinese food. I'd be lying if I said it was a good idea to do this. But I wasn't willing to risk letting the streak go, so running with a full stomach had to happen! Will be trying HARD to avoid this in the future. :D

December 8: One more cold one outside this morning... but tomorrow looks like freezing icy rain, so it could get dicey. 

December 9: A quick mile on my parents' dreadmill. Too cold! Too dark! (Commence whining!) 

December 10: We got an early release from school due to a water main break, so I got in a quick mile in the cold (19 degrees) and sun (bonus!)!

December 11: A mile before morning Jazzercise. (Are you noticing a pattern here? I can barely get myself to run past a mile!)

December 12: Taught Jazzercise, then ran a mile. I was exhausted during Jazz -- maybe that one mile run has really been waking me up! I've had great classes lately! Note: I have only run more than one mile one time. Run Streak is on, but I certainly don't seem to be going above and beyond, now do I?


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