Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

A month of gratitude

Friday, November 1, 2013

November is easily my favorite month of the year. The leaves are still changing. The weather is still decent. The best holiday ever falls in this month (Thanksgiving, how I love thee). And the whole month is about gratitude. 

So many times in life, we get so caught up in what's going wrong. We think about the problems at work, at home, with our friends, with our family. Sometimes, it's so easy to focus on what's going wrong instead of what's going right. 

But what if we stop for a second and think about everything that's good in life? What if we start making a list of all the awesome things we have to be grateful for instead? Even if it's only a few things every day, I think your list would be incredibly long by the end of the month. 

My goal is to add a few things to my list every day this month. Today I am thankful for:

1. My loving fiance, who has been so helpful and supportive of me
2. Students who are motivated and dedicated to their school work
3. Netflix. I adore it. 
4. Sweet potato chips. Delish. 
5. People who smile at others. 


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