I've also messed some stuff up big time. And who hasn't, right? Basically, Pinterest links you to sites that are anywhere on the internet. And, as we know, the internet always tells the truth, right? So, when I tried to make those dehydrated strawberries and it told me to bake them for two hours? That was wrong. And that's just one example.
Luckily, I'm not the only one who has suffered these same fates. Have you ever seen some of those Pinterest fails out there? Here are just two.
So, clearly I'm not alone in my failures. Today, though, was not a failure day!
Recently, I pinned a whole bunch of stuff about recovering and re-purposing furniture. I got a hope chest as a gift from my parents when I was in middle school. It was a beautiful piece of furniture, but as years past, I grew to be not the biggest fan of the color of the fabric seat cushion. It was a deep evergreen color with little stitches of red and gold intermittently. It was pretty... but, sort of old looking. I'd been wanting to update it for a long time, and on Pinterest, I started to see all sorts of beautiful chevron fabrics.
Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
So, today, my mom came over (momma Monday!), and we took the seat off to recover it. Now, I have THIS!
I love it so much, I think I'll even end up using it more! It's amazing how just changing that one thing has updated the entire look of the bedroom.
Hope you're having a crafty Monday too!
Turned out beautiful!