Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

On why I hate numbers

Monday, February 25, 2013

I've never been good at math. Okay, that's kind of a lie. I was good at math until, like, Algebra 1. Then I totally stopped understanding and continued to battle through high school math (and, blessedly, only one semester of college). So, numbers and I don't really agree. 

I came across this video today from an email I receive weekly. It's an unsettling reminder why we essentially can't trust calorie counts on menus, or, even packages. 

In the event that you don't want to watch the six minute video, it essentially follows a man in New York eating what he would normally eat in a day. What he thought was around 2,700 calories of food ended up being more like 3,200 calories worth of food -- which is like eating two extra Snickers bars or one extra Quarter Pounder with cheese without even knowing it. See? Unsettling.

It's frustrating to me that people can be trying to do the right thing and eat the right things and yet they could actually be shooting themselves in the foot. I'm glad that more restaurants are posting calorie counts, because I think it's important that people are aware of how much they're consuming, but if the counts aren't right, they may actually end up doing the opposite. I remember the last time I was dieting, I made sure to eat every calorie in my allotment for the day. So, what I thought was 1,550 calories probably ended up being a lot more. I'm glad I'm at a point where I don't need (or want) to count calories, but I still think it's unfair that food companies put out false information. 

Speaking of numbers that lie (I'm on a roll now!), I would also like to take issue with the calorie counts on cardio machines. For example, yesterday I used the elliptical for 30 minutes. The calorie count on the machine would have me believing I burned over 700 calories (which, if this were true, I would solely use the elliptical for ALL of my work out needs), when in reality, I know it was something around 1/4 of that amount. When I was using a Body Bug, I think I used to burn around 160 calories for 30 minutes of working out. It's easy to see how people can underwork and overeat without even knowing it! The numbers... they lie! 

Princess musings

Saturday, February 23, 2013

It's hard for me to believe that one year ago, I was attempting to fall asleep in a hotel room at Disney World so that I could wake up at 3 a.m. to run 13.1 miles. That race is still one of my favorite life memories, and I can't wait for the chance to run it again in the future. 

When I saw my dad at mile 13 :)

First post race medal pic!

Cassie, Mere, and I showing off our bling! 
I haven't been able to run in two weeks. Between the crappy weather, and my crappier illness, I've had no energy. I got on the elliptical for 40 minutes this morning, and even that was a real struggle. I am so looking forward to the moment where I feel 100% again... or even just feel energetic. 

I'm going to attempt to sign up for a few races tomorrow. I'm looking at mostly 5k's and 10k's, but am still thinking about finding something longer. Any good race suggestions?

Back in the land of the living

Monday, February 18, 2013

Greetings! It's lovely to be able to say I *think* I may be kicking this terrible sickness to the curb. Considering I've been sick for a full week now, this news is most welcome to me, my students, and the dear people who have been taking care of me for days on end. 

Let me start by saying, I typically don't get sick. I work in a profession where germs are everywhere and mutating by the second, but somehow, I usually manage to avoid them. I'd love to think it's my awesome genes, but I think it has more to do with luck. 

I am not a good sick person. I hate being out of commission. I hate feeling like I have no energy. I know probably everyone feels this way, but I feel like it's extra tough for me. At school, I can do my job, but at home, I'm a terrible sicko. I whine. And I pout. And I generally feel like a slug. It's unattractive. And it makes it really difficult to keep up with no negativity Lent. 

Tonight was my first workout in a week, and I'm so glad I was able to move my body and feel aliveish again. I'm hoping tomorrow I'll wake up with lots of energy and a desire to resume life 100%, but we'll see. Baby steps in the right direction. 

For now, I will continue taking my terrible tasting cough medicine, and resting as much as I can. Here's to good health! 

And then I got sick

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Well, it is Sunday, and I am happy to report that after six days of feeling like complete and utter crud, I'm starting to feel... less.. like complete and utter crud. I still have about zero energy, my head is full of gunk, and I won't travel from room to room without my tissues. 

Let me back up a bit. Last Monday, I wasn't feeling the best. I thought maybe I was just run-down, especially after teaching three Jazzercise classes in 26 hours. I felt achey and tired, so I went to bed. Tuesday didn't leave me feeling much better, but I attempted to suck it up because we had a busy week ahead of us. 

On Wednesday, I felt similar to what gum on the bottom of a shoe would feel like. But, Dan, being the love he is, got us Matchbox 20 concert tickets for that night, and as terrible as I felt, I really did enjoy it. By Thursday, I was in sad shape, so I decided to take Friday off of work. For one, we had a wedding Friday night, so I was planning to take a half day anyway. For two, I needed to go visit the doctor. 

The doctor confirmed my suspicions: I was sick with a sinus infection AND bronchitis. He gave me an antibiotic and some terrible cough syrup (which, I also found out on Friday, makes me feel completely high). 

So, I've essentially spent this weekend laying down, sleeping with my mouth open, and attempting to eat whatever sounds somewhat appetizing. I haven't worked out in SIX DAYS. SIX! I'm just hoping this will all kick out of my system for work tomorrow so that I can get back on track this week. I forgot how terrible it is to feel sick. 

Fat Tuesday

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Get in my belly. 

Today's cons: 
I still feel ill-ish. 
I skipped my workout in order to rest. 
I skipped dinner with my friend Kaity in order to rest. 
I burnt my tongue somewhere in the massive quantities of tea and soup I've had today. 

Today's pros: 
ALL 54 research papers are graded and returned to my students! Glorious!
Despite my burnt tongue, I still got to eat a delicious Paczki. 
I get to do absolutely nothing for the next 12 glorious hours. 
Tomorrow, we go see Matchbox 20 in Kalamazoo! 
I have a good book, plenty of magazines, more tea, and a positive attitude. This sickness is going DOWN!

Tomorrow starts lent. In addition to giving up negativity this year (I did this last year, with quite a bit of success!), I've decided to try to give us as much processed food as I can. I'm attempting to eat clean in every way I can, but with weddings and vacations during lent, I wasn't willing to totally commit to 40 days of totally clean eating (wedding cake is the BEST!). 

More than that, though, I want to focus on being present for the next 40 days. This isn't my idea, actually. My friend Andrea mentioned it to me, and I thought it was an excellent way to go through the season. I want to focus more on living in the moment instead of being 18 steps ahead of where I am. I want to focus on the people I'm with and not other things I should be doing (like, Pinteresting while eating dinner with my family, or, writing an email while a student tries to talk to me about something). I want to focus on the moment, the people in the moment, and what's going on in front of me. 

On that note, I'm going to go find some unclean foods to munch on and read on the couch. Not the epitome of health today, but, that's what tomorrow's for. :) 

Love is in the air

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love! In the air!
It's beginning to look a lot like... Valentine's Day! To be honest, this holiday isn't necessarily high on my list of favorites, and no, it's not because I've spent many a Valentine's Day alone. Granted, I do enjoy good a good dose of V-day chocolate now and again, and I loved handing out and receiving those super cute cards that come 20 to a pack. So, what then, exactly, is it about this week that has me so excited? 

It was one year ago this week that Dan and I started talking. Through the magic of the internet that is, I found his profile on February 12 and he wrote to me on February 13. I reread some of those early messages tonight, and it's funny how formal we were both trying to be. But, the core of what we said is still true: we both love our food, family, friends, and being active. We like to laugh. And we're both passionate about a variety of things. I just love that we could be ourselves from the beginning. A week later, we had our first phone date (he called! no texting!), and although we originally didn't plan to meet until the weekend of March 17, it became apparent after a few weeks of talking that we didn't want to wait until a month later to have our first date. 

It's been a long time since I've celebrated a year anniversary with anyone. And, technically, Dan and I won't get one this year. Our first date was on February 29, which doesn't exist again until 2016. I've decided that means we get to celebrate both on February 28 and March 1 this year. Fair, right?! Right. 

It's weeks like this where I want to cuddle up and watch movies like Love Actually and Say Anything and Shakespeare in Love and eat sweets with my sweet and just bask in all the butterfly-ey lovey feelings. There's something about celebrating this milestone with my love that just makes me so incredibly happy. This week, we'll celebrate Valentine's Day by seeing Matchbox 20 on Wednesday (!!!) and attending my friend Heather's wedding on Friday. So much love happening this week! 

Happy Valentine's Day, all!

Barre-ing it all

Thursday, February 7, 2013

When I was a wee one, I took a year or two of ballet. I wasn't very good, but I do remember enjoying it. As time went on, I always loved to dance. I took a dance class in high school and spent much of my early 20s busting a move at Club Landing and the Backer with my roommate, Krissi, a phenomenal dancer. Jazzercise, while not necessarily a dance work out, has provided me the outlet for moving that I've needed these past eight years. 

But lately, I've been wanting to try something new. I love Jazzercise, and I love running, but I needed something that would challenge me in a different way. I've heard about Barre classes, and even tried to look for some in the area, but to no avail. So, when my friend Andrea told me about a class she'd found (score!) with a woman who has a studio in her neighborhood (double score!), I was ecstatic. Andrea was able to go a few weeks ago, and she and I got to go together last night. 

The studio was beautiful, and the owner, Tammy has passion for teaching pouring out of her. She told Andrea and I before class that she wasn't feeling all that well, so she may not push herself too hard in class. If that's the case, I'd HATE to see what she teaches like on a day she's feeling great. 

Holy awesome workout, Batman! Barre was everything I was hoping it would be and more. It was tough. Like, REALLY tough. But it allowed me to challenge my body by pushing it to fatigue which is something I rarely get to do in my other workouts. I felt stronger and better walking out of there. I felt tough and happy. More than that, though, I left with a renewed sense of positive energy surrounding me, and that is something that rarely happens at this point in the school year (when the days are short and the grading piles are high and stress level is even higher and spring break is faaaaaaaaaaar away). I think it's safe to say I'm hooked on Barre. Is there such a thing as a Barre high?

Today, despite starting the morning with an eye full of hairspray (NOT my finest moment), I had a great day at work, connected with my students over Gatsby, and taught a great Jazzercise class tonight. Minus the hairspray, pretty great day! 

On that note, I have 26 more research papers to grade. And about 12 more minutes before I want to sack out. Happy almost weekend, all! 
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