Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Getting it done: The one minute solution

Monday, October 29, 2018

On Saturday, I got up early (after a crummy night's sleep, mind you!) and headed to barre class. It's such a good way to kick off my weekend, and it puts me in the mindset to really make the most of our family time together. And sometimes, it's the little nuggets I take away from the classes that make the biggest changes - and far more than physical ones. 

This weekend, our instructor and my friend Sam talked about how at her day job, she helps people develop healthy habits in their lives. One of her clients kept telling her that she couldn't fit exercise into her daily life. It was too hard to think about working out for 30 minutes a day three days a week. So Sam suggested that on November 1, she start with one minute of exercise a day. And then on the 2nd, two minutes a day, and so on and so forth until November 30 when she'll have worked up to 30 minutes a day. 

And it totally resonated with me. There's SO much I want to do in our new house - but by evening, when I actually have time to do it, I just can't fathom it. BUT, there's something to be said for biting it off in small, manageable chunks and working up to what you want to achieve. Because I actually did the math on this one, that would give me almost eight hours of work time in the house if I matched every day to the minute. That's HUGE, you guys! 

Imagine if you did use this method for exercise - almost eight extra hours of working out a month! If you're already working out regularly, those eightish hours could be the game changer to bust through a plateau or give you the time you need to really amp up what you're already doing. 

Or what if you applied it to work (especially those of us who work from home)?! What would an extra seven hours and 45 minutes do to your business each month? For me, I feel like that could be huge! 

The point is this. Some times those giant tasks can be SO damn overwhelming that it's hard to know where to start. But if you can start small and make it a short, succinct, daily habit, it might just end up becoming a daily habit you don't need to think about. 

I'll be giving this a try in November with settling into our house. Will you join me?! What would you apply your minutes to? 

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