Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

To run 13.1 or to not run 13.1? That is the question.

Friday, June 26, 2015

When I began running in 2009, I never EVER would have thought I would run a half marathon. On that first fateful day I ran, I went two miles without stopping, and I felt like queen of the world. 

But by the fall of 2011, I was craving more. And that was the year I signed up for the 2012 Disney Princess half marathon. It was the perfect first race. It focused on having fun and mostly catered to women. Plus, it was in Florida in February. Umm, yes! A vacation to a warm location in the middle of a northern Indiana winter? SOLD! Even though my knees were throbbing by the end, I crossed the finish line positively elated that I'd accomplished my goal. Three months later, I did it again at the Indy mini. 

And I haven't run one since. 

I wish I had a good reason. Life just got busy. Dan and I started dating seriously. And we got engaged. And we got married. And I got pregnant. And we had a baby. And now it's 2015, and I haven't been running anywhere near half marathon mileage. 

But I want to. 

I find myself having the urge to run, really run again. I want to wake up on the weekends and put in some long mileage. I want to feel that drive to go another mile. I want to embrace the soreness in my legs. I want to have a goal, a real goal that I'm trying to achieve. 

So now I have to decide. Am I going to do this? Am I going to try to commit to running with a 4-month-old baby and limited time to really train? And if the answer is yes, when and where do I run it? 

I need your advice, fellow runners. Should I do this? 

Crafting the perfect writing in three easy steps

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Oh, hi! It's me! Where have I been, you ask? Surviving the four month sleep regression/growth spurt, that's where. Open mouth, insert caffeine has been my mantra for days now, but I think the light at the end of the tunnel is coming! Henry has learned SO much during this Wonder Weeks Leap, it's unreal. He's doing something new every single day, and it's SO cool to watch! 

But, that's not why I'm here today. Today I'm here to talk to you about the art of the written word. 

Writing has always come easily for me. I know I'm lucky on this account, because that's definitely not the case for everyone! And boy, have I been writing a LOT lately. 

Let's back up to about a year and a half ago. We had multiple bridal showers, and I wrote multiple thank you notes. Then we got married. More amazing gifts, more thank you notes. Then the school year started (I teach upper level high school English), and I was asked to write a lot of wonderful students their college recommendation letters. Then we started having baby showers. More thank yous. Then I wrote a bunch of scholarship letters for students. Then we had a baby and more thank yous were written. And in the past several weeks, I've been spending time writing graduation congratulations cards. 

Phew. That's a whole lotta writing right there. But I've gained some tips and tricks over the years that will hopefully help you today, so alas, I pass them on to you! 

1. Make it clear why you're writing. 
This probably seems obvious, but over and over I've seen people never mention why they're writing. A simple, "Thank you so much for the awesome thingymabob you sent me," or "It is with great pleasure that I recommend Jane Doe for admission to Best College Ever," goes a long way. Keep it simple. But start there!

2. Be genuine. 
It doesn't matter what you're writing, if it's fake, people can tell. This tip comes in most handy for writing recommendation letters. I've never said anything about a student I didn't mean. Does that mean it was sometimes mildly difficult to find a way to say Little Timmy talks a lot in class and hasn't turned in an assignment on time all year? Yes. So I would focus on other, positive things. I never wanted to write a lie. Same goes for thank you notes. So, you're  not sure you're going to use that under water basket weaving kit Aunt Sally got you? Tell her how thoughtful it was and how much you appreciate her thinking of you. Done and done. 

3. Make it personal with anecdotes. 
This is always my favorite part of letter/note/recommendation writing. Think about something that stands out to you -- a story of something a student did in class, the countless ways you've already used the gift you were given, the reason you know a person is going to be a successful graduate/parent/all around person, and write it down! It doesn't have to be an epic, life changing story to make an impact. Simply stating how a person stepped up in class with the only dissenting opinion or saying how thrilled you were that you got to see s0-and-so at the party makes your writing stand out. 

I hope these tips help with your next written communication! 

Body after baby: Accepting the new you (while working to get old you back!)

Monday, June 15, 2015

On Saturday, my son turned four months old. We have a four month old! He is growing by leaps and bounds! He smiles and laughs and talks to us, and after a weekend that brought a lot of sad news locally, we are constantly reminded how lucky and blessed we are! 

So when I stepped on the scale Saturday and saw that I still have seven extra pounds of baby weight hanging around, I was momentarily discouraged. Does it matter in the grand scheme of life? No. Does it matter to me right now? Absolutely, yes. 

Let's talk numbers. I gained 33 pounds during my pregnancy with Henry. I stayed within the recommended weight gain of 25-35 pounds, but I was definitely at the upper end. Upon coming home from the hospital, I was super excited to see how much I'd lost... And was shocked to see it was only 7 pounds (Henry weighed 7 pounds two ounces!)! Luckily, the water retention went down, and at 4 weeks post-partum, I was down 20 pounds total. 

And then, the weight loss stopped. With 13 pounds to go, it seemed they were hanging on for dear life... And perhaps they were. I've always been slim and would consider myself fit, so with a brand-new breastfed baby in tow, my body seemed to want those extra fat stores. I resigned myself to the fact that those extra pounds might stay until I'm no longer breastfeeding, and I reminded myself that Henry is growing and healthy. 

And then... It was summer. Shorts season rolled in. And there's a solid chance I will end up in a bikini at some point. So those pounds started to frustrate me. And I decided I wanted to lose at least a few of them. But that, friends, takes a lot of hard work. 

As a fitness enthusiast, burning calories has never been an issue. It's calorie consumption that keeps me maintaining my current weight. So the hard work began. Eating cleaner. Cutting out some of the junk. Paying attention to how often I'm eating. Upping water intake. 

And with seven more pounds to go, it seems to be working, slowly and steadily. I've resigned myself to the fact that these pounds may stay awhile. I've accepted that my loose tummy skin will never completely go away. I can even handle having a little muffin top (for now!). Because our baby is incredible, and it's all worth it for him. 

So what do you do if you're in this boat and feel less than stellar about your progress? A few different things, actually! 

1. Buy a new pair of jeans, a new pair of capris, and a new pair of shorts that fit you now. Stuffing yourself in to clothing that doesn't fit will not make you feel better and will not motivate you. Chances are, you'll feel worse (and more discouraged)! Buy some items you feel good in now. Cut out the tags if you don't like the size. 

2. Workout when you can. Morning stroller walks are great. Free weights while baby is on the activity mat work wonders. Squat while baby wearing (hold on to baby!)! Have your partner or trusted friend watch baby so you can get in 30 minutes of cardio. It all adds up! 

3. Meal plan. I can't tell you how many times I've eaten some random, cobbled-together snacks since Henry was born and called it a meal. Plan meals out once a week, and make sure you have all the ingredients you need on hand. This might just save you from the ever popular potato chip/cheese stick/apple/piece of bread meal.  

4. Remember you just had a baby. Yeah, yeah, I'd do a lot better if I took my own advice. But it's true. It took nine months to put this weight on. It might take just that long (or longer!) to get it off. You had a baby! Go you! Cut yourself at least a little slack! 

Question of the day: How long did it take you to lose the baby weight? Or, what's a realistic timeline to lose weight in your opinion? Comment below and "weigh" in (See what I did there?)!

One year ago today

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

One year ago today, my husband and I were celebrating a month of marriage in Greece.
One year ago today, we walked around Rhodes, visited the market, and ate way too much feta.
One year ago today, my husband said we should pick up a pregnancy test. 
One year ago today, I told my husband he was crazy because we weren't pregnant. 
One year ago today, we went anyway to the Greek pharmacy. 
One year ago today, I had to ask at the counter for a test. 
One year ago today, we walked lazily back to our hotel, stopping for trinkets. 
One year ago today, I went in the tiniest Greek bathroom in existence to take a test. 
One year ago today, both lines turned up pink.
One year ago today, Dan and I tried to read pregnancy test directions in Greek.
One year ago today, we realized the test was made in California. 
One year ago today, we found out we were pregnant. 
One year ago today, Dan became a daddy and I became a mommy. 
One year minus one day ago today, we bought this shirt for our unborn baby. 
One year ago today, we imagined what the baby we would put in this shirt would look like. 
One year ago today, my husband was right. 
And we are so glad he was. 

Stuff I'm Loving Saturday #14: Albanese candy factory, the hubby's kitchen creations, and more!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

I love a good Saturday. I love a good Saturday with great weather even more! This weekend marked my ten-year college reunion, the baby shower for my dear friend Laura, and the graduation of the 2015 senior class from LPHS! What a wonderful weekend it's been already! 

And, of course, I just have to share with you all the stuff I'm loving this week! 

Albanese Candy Factory
Image result for albanese candy
If you've never had candy from this little gem, I'm sorry. And if you've never been to the factory store, I'm also really sorry. Located in Merrillville, Indiana, the factory store has so many goodies, it'll make your head spin! Dan and I went here on our first date (seriously, I had to know this guy was a keeper, right?!), and we recently took Henry for his first time too! If you go, you HAVE to try the chocolate covered peanut butter covered peanuts. Yep, you read that right. Must. Eat. Them!

Henry's birthstone is amethyst, and lately, I can't get enough of the purple! I have a few necklaces now that are amethyst, and I love wearing them! This stone specifically takes me back to my rock collecting days (I'm not kidding. When we lived in Pittsburgh, I had a rock collection. I used to go to a specialty shop to buy cool stones! (Did I just reveal to you my inner dork-ness?)). I had a beautiful chunk of craggy amethyst, and I love that now it represents our February baby! 

Dan's culinary creations
I'm blessed with a husband who knows his way around the kitchen (or, at least, has comparable skills to my own!). Dan makes AMAZING breads (pretzel rolls, anyone?!), and he puts together awesome sandwich creations. He's most known for his paninis in our house, but his club sandwiches are killer too. Beyond just sandwiches, the man makes a mean manicotti and has even dabbled lately with smoked meats (hello, yummy pork!). Plus, it's nice sharing the cooking responsibility since I sometimes lack creativity and two hands to get a meal on the table! 

The Briefcase
Image result for the briefcase cbs
This new CBS show caught my attention week one (and honestly, I didn't see week two's episode yet -- hopefully it's on On Demand!). The premise of the show is that two families struggling financially are given a briefcase with $101,000 in it. They have to decide whether they will keep all of the money, some of the money, or none of the money -- and give it all to another family they've never met. Throughout the show, they learn more about the other family -- but the kicker is, the families have no idea that they're learning about each other. Spoiler alert coming! In week one, the families really grappled with what to do, but in the final meet up, both decided to give all of the money to the other family! The looks on their faces once they realized that they would both be receiving funds was priceless, and it gave me hope that there are still great people in the world. Check it out!

Tell me one thing you're loving this week in the comments!

These are a few of my favorite rings: Stories behind the baubles

Friday, June 5, 2015

As a kid, I adored a locket that my mom owned. It was given to her by her mother, and it contains pictures of my great grandparents in it. To others, it might not be anything special to look at. But I love the way the little flecks of jewels glistened in it. I used to ask her all the time if I could look at it, and we would sit on her bed while she explained who the people were and where they came from. 

As I've grown up, I've realized how much I love jewelry -- not just because jewelry is fun for accessorizing, but because it tells stories. 

Recently, I came across the website Invaluable, and I fell in love with their inventory, both jewelry and otherwise. The site hosts live, online auctions, and the products are ever changing (they ship from around the world, so there are all sorts of interesting baubles listed!). They have tons of antique and vintage items which I think is why I love the site so much -- it reminds me of the piece my mom has from her grandparents. The jewelry section is naturally my favorite. As a writer, I always wonder about the stories behind the pieces, and it made me want to share a few of my pieces and stories too! 

Class ring from Saint Mary's College
I can't tell you how many times I've been somewhere -- the grocery store, a party, the airport -- and a woman will recognize my ring before proudly showing me hers. The Saint Mary's ring is unlike any other. The French Cross is instantly recognizable to the Belles who spent their undergraduate years there, and it never fails to strike up a conversation. 

Right hand ring (purchased post-grad school)
I graduated college in 2005, and I started working on my master's in 2006. As a lifelong learner, I LOVE being in school. But grad school was a lot of work, especially while I was working full time. It was a lot of late nights and lost weekends as I tried to stay on top of course work (like, my web design class (which was almost the death of me)). Upon graduation, my sweet parents wanted to get me a gift to celebrate my accomplishment. I'd been eyeing right hand rings for awhile, but I had specifics in mind. I knew I wanted something gold, and I knew I wanted something delicate looking. And what I finally found was this. Ohmigosh, I love this ring! I don't know if I've ever received so many compliments on anything I'd ever worn before in my whole life, and I love that when I look at it, I see a major accomplishment. This lived as my favorite ring until 2013 when I got...

Engagement and Wedding rings
I'm really digging the rose gold
Let me tell you a little story about Pinterest. A million years ago before I had a husband or a baby, I had a secret wedding board on Pinterest. And on there, I'd pinned a ring that I absolutely adored. It was rose gold (and this was just as rose gold was starting to become popular, maybe even before!) and had a criss cross band. It was lovely. So when things got serious with my now husband, I told him very plainly that I didn't want to pick out my own ring. I understand why women like to do that, but I wanted the surprise. Shortly thereafter, I started to second guess myself, so one night, I pulled up the website of the designer of that ring I loved so much. There were over 100 rings to look at, and I asked Dan to show me which one he would pick for me. And out of those 100+ rings... he chose mine. Further proof that this man was the right one for me. According to the site, the ring only came in gold and platinum, no longer in rose gold, so I knew I wouldn't be getting the "perfect" ring. 

Low and behold, May 11, 2013 rolled around, and Dan took me downstairs where he'd set out flowers and his guitar. He sang me the most amazing song ever before getting on one knee and asking if I would marry him. The details are a little tear stained in my mind, but I'm pretty sure I said yes even before seeing the ring! (You can read our whole proposal story here!) And then, he opened the box... and there was my PERFECT criss cross band rose gold engagement ring! He tracked down a store that could get it in rose gold and spent hours driving back and forth to see it, purchase it, pick it up, and get it home! The engagement ring (and matching band!) are perfection. And every time I look at them, I see our forever. 

What are some of your favorite pieces? What stories do they tell? 

Throwback Thursday: Why I will always attend class reunions

Thursday, June 4, 2015

This year marks TEN YEARS since I graduated from undergrad at Saint Mary's College. It's safe to say that my time at Saint Mary's was extraordinary. SMC is where I found my voice, believed in myself enough to publish my writing, and worked harder than I ever had before. Saint Mary's is where I made lifelong friendships that I cherish to this day (shout out to my HoCro girls!). Saint Mary's is where I flourished. 

And tomorrow, my roommate Teresa and I will head back to campus for a dinner together in the dining hall and a party where we catch up with friends. 
This is the only picture on my computer from graduation day! Teresa is in the background on the left. My friend Corrie is center, and I'm on the right. And I have to say, we've all gotten much cuter since this photo. Much, much cuter. 
Everything has changed since our time there. We left Saint Mary's in May 2005 hoping for bigger and better things. Teresa was off to Chicago for a wonderful job she'd scored in the spring of our senior year. I was still unemployed (I was hired as a teacher two months later). 

Five years ago, we were on campus for the weekend for our five year reunion. We stayed in the dorms, ate in the dining hall, and took cabs to our favorite campus bar at night. We were both still in the same cities and in the same jobs. 
Five years ago, I hadn't had LASIK, it rained a whole bunch, and Teresa had CRAZY long hair!
This year will be slightly different. Teresa is now a mother to twin almost six month old babies and lives in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and kiddos. I'm still in South Bend, but I've added an awesome husband and sweet Henry to the mix. There will be no staying in dorms. There will be no going to our favorite campus bar. And there will probably be a pumping session that takes place in one of our cars (because we'll be gone from those babies for a long time!). 

But the point is, no matter how much has changed in our lives, going to our class reunion will always feel like coming home. No matter where we are or what we're doing in life, Saint Mary's still has a piece of us, and we carry it with us too. 

So, to all our friends who will be at reunion, we can't wait to see you! And for all our friends who won't, we'll make sure to tell campus you said hello. 

June's Bock Box: My new favorite clutch!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ohmigosh, ya'll. This was slated to be my last month of Bock Boxes, but, spoiler alert, I've been enjoying them so much, I had to sign up for six more months! 

If you haven't heard of the Bock Box, allow me to fill you in! The Bock Box is a subscription service of all sorts of personalized, often monogrammed, goodies just for you! Courtney Bock Designs offers a variety of items for the home, ladies, babies, and more! When you sign up, you'll fill out a questionnaire that asks you for your sizes, interests, hobbies, and favorite colors. From there, surprises start showing up monthly (3, 6, or 12 month subscriptions are available!)!

Again this month, my box knocked it out of the park! This month, I got the absolutely GORGEOUS Monogram Envelope Clutch (retails $34) in black! This clutch is amazing (so amazing, in fact, that I can't believe it's only $34!)! I love that it's black because it's versatile enough to take me through all seasons, and I especially love the little gold chain inside that I can clip on if I don't want to carry it! It's going to make it's debut on Friday at our 10 year Saint Mary's reunion, and I definitely see myself carrying it to weddings, parties, and more over the next several months! 

I love designer bags as much as the next girl, but having one with my initials on it makes it even more special. I can't wait to use this! 

One of my favorite parts of getting my Bock Box is I know that my friends who also subscribe have received theirs too! This month, my mom got the adorable Jumbo Initial Tea Towel set, my friend Andrea received a personalized Desk Note Pad for her family, and my friend and college roommate Teresa received the AWESOME French Cross Post Earrings! Seriously, such a great month of items for all of us -- and EVERY month is like this with the Bock Box! 

Super excited that I have six more months of awesome on the way! If you're looking for a fabulous treat for yourself or someone else, I absolutely recommend Courtney Bock Designs!

National Running Day: How to get a run in

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Image result for national running day 2015
I feel like a broken record when I say that things have changed since having a baby. Perhaps one of the more noticeable things to change is that I can no longer get in any workout I want any time I want. Exercise has to be planned out in advance, and most of the time, I have to find babysitting for him (if his daddy isn't home, of course). 

I used to drop everything and go for a run midday if I wanted to. I had lazy Saturday mornings where I'd sleep in and then head our around 10 for a few solid miles. That hasn't happened since... a long time ago now!

Tomorrow, June 3, is National Running Day, and I'm determined to get at least a mile in. Why? Because I want to. And because it's a day dedicated to running. And because I miss it. 

I run for so many reasons. It's a great stress reliever. It's a way to push myself past what I think is possible (thus serving as a metaphor for life too!). I can run with others and be social, or I can run by myself and enjoy the peace. I run to work out the kinks in my brain. And I'm pumped to run tomorrow! 

Wanting to get a run in too? Here are a few tips to get an extra mile in tomorrow (or any day you feel like it!)! 

Wake up 15 minutes earlier. 
Give yourself an early rise, and hit the road. You'll be done with your mile before your body even knows what you're doing! And, bonus, the days are almost as long as they're going to get, so there's plenty of daylight hours to get it done! 

Tack it on to your regularly scheduled workout. 
This is what I'll be doing tomorrow! I teach an early morning Jazzercise class tomorrow, and I'm bound and determined to knock out two miles before or after class! One sweat session, two workouts, one shower! Easy peasy! 

Make it a family affair!
A mile is a mile no matter how fast you run it. Head out with the kiddos or your partner and get a good sweat going! Take walk breaks and make it fun! The whole family will feel better for it. 

Take lunch. 
Do you get an hour for lunch (if so, I'm jealous of you, because as a teacher, the 25-30 minutes we got never seemed like enough time!)? If you do, pack up a lunch tonight, and take your running shoes tomorrow. Get a mile or two in, freshen up in the bathroom, and eat your packed lunch. You get a run in, and you probably save calories too! 

Hire a sitter, or trade babysitting with a friend. 
Have little ones that are too little to go with you? Hire a babysitter for an hour! OR, better yet, find a friend who can watch your little one while you take a half hour run, and then pay her back with a half hour run for her when you return! 

If all else fails, promise yourself something nice. 
Lacking running motivation right now? (Me too!) Promise yourself something nice when you meet a goal. Maybe if you run tomorrow, you get to sleep in ten extra minutes on Thursday. Or when you've run twenty miles, you get to buy a new piece of exercise clothes. Or when you hit 1,000 miles, you get to plan a vacation! Dream big, friends! 

Are you planning to run on National Running Day? How long will you run for? 
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