Running my life as a busy wife, boy mom, and business owner

Stress cadet

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm not sure how the term "stress cadet" came in to my life, but there are days, weeks, months where this is the exact right description of me. Apparently, I am back in the stress cadet boat.

This is the picture that came up when I Googled Stress Cadet. Hmph, so that's what one looks like. 
Yesterday was my winter check in with my Rheumatologist. Boy, do I love her. She cares about her patients as people and truly wants to see the best for them. When I sat down, she asked, "How are you feeling? You said your jaw was hurting last time you were here." Crap. I did? Because it's been hurting a LOT lately... mostly from my serious grinding problem at night. I've bitten through my mouth guard (ick) and had some seriously crazy jaw popping as of late. 

"I'm stressed," I said. 

"Do you have a lot of stress in your life?" she asked.

OF COURSE!, I thought. But... really, what? 

I don't know that I have any more stress than any other person out there. My job provides an adequate amount of stress, but really, does anyone have a job that doesn't? I have a lot on my plate between my three jobs, family, friends, and other commitments, but so does everyone else. What am I so stressed out about? I'm in good health. The people around me are in good health. I have a roof over my head, I can pay my bills, and I haven't had any major traumas as of late. Where does the feeling of so much stress come from?

It comes from being a stress cadet. 

I loathe being a stressed out person. I hate how I react to getting off my schedule, not getting things accomplished, and wasting time. I don't want to be stressed out because I really feel like it makes me feel less like myself. Additionally, it's not good for my health. Having an autoimmune disorder and a lot of stress is a terrible combination of suck. I certainly don't want to aggravate any conditions. 

My doctor suggested yoga. Yoga feels torturous for me, because I don't know how to quiet my mind for more than 12 seconds at a time. I tried to meditate tonight while running on the treadmill, but it didn't work. At. All. So, I'm going to try yoga. I'm going to attempt to try some meditation and focus on calm. I know it sounds crazy, but I really think it might be a struggle for me. All the more reason to try, I suppose! 

Happiness Day #1

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I consider today Day #1 of Hunt for Happiness Week, because today was day #1 of my work week. So, here's what I'm happy about:

1. We had a two-hour delay this morning.
2. Although it took me FIFTY minutes to get to school, I got there safely. 
3. My fifth hour students are fantastic and are doing a kick-a job on their research paper outlines.
4. The roads were MUCH better on the ride home. MUCH. 
5. It is 6:06 p.m. and I am already in my pajamas. Winning! 

Hunt for Happiness Week

Monday, January 21, 2013

It's the week to look for happiness, people! 
Happy Hunt for Happiness Week! Wait, what? Truth be told, I didn't know this existed until I got an email telling me this is the week to try to find happiness everywhere. I kind of love this idea, though, since it seems to literally be the season for negativity. As I write this blog, it's -4 degrees with the wind chill, the days are still short, and the road to spring time feels long. BUT, the sun is shining, it's Inauguration Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day (and, coincidentally, a day off of school!), and we're cruising toward the end of January. 

I have been very hard on myself lately, for all sorts of reasons: 

1. I seem to be falling behind faster than ever this year at school. The grading comes in far faster than I can get it back. And while I want to be updating my lessons and doing all sorts of cool things, I often feel like I'm only a half step in front of the kids. 

2. I haven't been getting in as much running as I'd like to be. I would LOVE to be averaging 15 or so miles a week, but with the blustery weather and lack of time, I'm lucky to be getting in one or two runs a week. 
3. I have come to the realization, yet again, that I am not perfect. Sigh. Perfectionism is a tough nut to crack. I'm working on being kind to myself, but I seem to be listening to that little voice that says, "You're not doing enough and you're not doing it well." 

So, I am embracing every second of Hunt for Happiness Week! My plan is to seek out all sorts of happiness in all sorts of places. Today, for instance, I saw the sun, got to Skype with Lynn about my upcoming trip to Europe, AND got to watch an episode of Downton Abbey. That's some happiness right there! Additionally, I've also made some fun plans for the weekend, including a triple date with my best friends to a swanky restaurant that none of us would normally be able to afford (thankful for Downtown SB restaurant week!)! AND, I even called Comcast and got my bill lowered $15 just for calling in and asking. Fabulous little surprise, because I didn't really see that happening! 

Okay, I'm off to hunt for more happiness. Wishing you the happiest week possible! 

Vegan oreos? Fact.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

So, on our quest to health(ier) eating, Dan and I have been watching food documentaries on Netflix (gotta love that Netflix). Some have been better than others, but the one we watched the other night really got me thinking. 

The film is called Vegucated and follows the lives of three NYC residents who, under the guidance and advice of a vegan, go vegan for six weeks. Naturally, a lot of the issues they talk about in the video are the ethical ones, and, really and truly, the meat industry is disgusting (I say this as a somewhat regular meat eater, although, I typically avoid red meat). There were some rather graphic scenes that had to be fast forwarded, and for those who are vegans because of these reasons, I totally understand that. 

One of the things the group did in the documentary was to go grocery shopping for new eats. Naturally, the filmmaker pointed out all the great vegan things they could eat -- fruits, veggies, nuts, and vegan substitutes for things like milk, cheese, eggs, even hot dogs and mayonnaise. Then, though, they played the "Is it Vegan?" game. And THIS IS THE PART THAT BLEW MY MIND. A sampling of other vegan foods:

Lay's Potato Chips
Sour Patch Kids
Bubble Tape Bubblegum
Krispy Kreme Fruit Pies
Duncan Hines Chocolate Frosting
Reduced Fat Bisquick
Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter Cereal
Fiber One Cereal

Vegan? Yes! Healthy? Ehhh...
So, here's my point. You can essentially follow any lifestyle plan and still make really bad food choices if you so choose. I think there's a giant misconception that being a vegetarian or vegan is automatically healthy. Even with a vegan lifestyle, there's no guarantee that everything is healthy. You have to make the right choices no matter what plan you're following. Healthy, wholesome, logical choices are the way to go, not necessarily just blindly trusting. 

Dan and I have been talking about eating a healthier diet, but it's become apparent to me that I think the best bet is eating clean -- unprocessed, fresh, healthy foods. That's not to say I plan to eat 100% clean -- I don't. But, every little bit helps. 

Make good choices, friends. I don't care if it is a vegan food, if it's processed junk, it's not worthy of going in your mouth. I should note that this blog is being written by a woman who earlier this week downed a ton of ice cream. So, take it with a grain of salt. 


Sunday, January 13, 2013

I know, I know, I'm the worst blogger ever this week! School has been so busy since we got back that I haven't had time to formulate any wonderful ideas to blog about! I have had a couple of good runs (five miles on Tuesday, four miles outside (in 50 degree weather!) yesterday!), and have been teaching extra Jazzercise classes for an added pop of cardio and strength. 

But, I had to write to give a GIANT shout out to my friend, Sherry, as she completed her Goofy Challenge this weekend in Disney World. Sherry ran a 5K on Friday, a half marathon yesterday, and a FULL MARATHON today! That's over 42 miles in one weekend, people! Sherry is so inspiring for so many reasons, but this just takes the cake! 

In other news, I've yet to meet my January goal of figuring out a major race I want to run this year. I'm looking for a 15K or 10-mileish race. Any great suggestions in the midwest? The Soldier Field 10-miler is out because of not one, but TWO weddings we have that weekend! 

Here's to a happy week, friends! 

For good health

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'm not necessarily one to make a bunch of new year's resolutions. I think it has something to do with the fact that I often break them. Quickly. But it also has to do with my belief that we, as humans, can start a new habit whenever we feel like it. 

This year, though, I want to focus on health (perhaps both mental and physical). Work has been especially stressful this year with all of the new mandates from the state. I notice myself grinding my teeth more at night. My attitude has certainly been less than positive on more days than I'd care to admit. I want to focus on staying positive and calm. Serenity now! 

I have been so lucky that for the past many years, my Systemic Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis has been well controlled. Taking only low levels of medication, I've been able to run races, Jazzercise like a mad woman, and keep up with my students. I have been blessed to have a healthy body to carry me through my 20s. And I want to make sure that continues. 

Lately, I feel like I've been eating out of convenience. I work long days and then am too tired to make a good meal when I get home. If there aren't leftovers in the fridge, I typically end up throwing together a meal from whatever I can find... a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... or just peanut butter and pretzels... or other things that I won't even name out of shame (ice cream has calcium, right?). 

I want to make sure I'm surrounding myself with whole, healthy, convenient food choices so that I don't end up making a meal out of pop-tarts and frozen vegetables. This requires some pre-planning on my part (pre-planning? I LOVE pre-planning!), but it's a step in the right direction. 

I'm hoping by filling my fridge and house with WHOLE foods, I'll choose those foods more often. I'm trying hard not to bring processed gunk into the house. We'll see. I mean, there's always room in the freezer for ice cream, right? 
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