This is the picture that came up when I Googled Stress Cadet. Hmph, so that's what one looks like. |
"I'm stressed," I said.
"Do you have a lot of stress in your life?" she asked.
OF COURSE!, I thought. But... really, what?
I don't know that I have any more stress than any other person out there. My job provides an adequate amount of stress, but really, does anyone have a job that doesn't? I have a lot on my plate between my three jobs, family, friends, and other commitments, but so does everyone else. What am I so stressed out about? I'm in good health. The people around me are in good health. I have a roof over my head, I can pay my bills, and I haven't had any major traumas as of late. Where does the feeling of so much stress come from?
It comes from being a stress cadet.
I loathe being a stressed out person. I hate how I react to getting off my schedule, not getting things accomplished, and wasting time. I don't want to be stressed out because I really feel like it makes me feel less like myself. Additionally, it's not good for my health. Having an autoimmune disorder and a lot of stress is a terrible combination of suck. I certainly don't want to aggravate any conditions.
My doctor suggested yoga. Yoga feels torturous for me, because I don't know how to quiet my mind for more than 12 seconds at a time. I tried to meditate tonight while running on the treadmill, but it didn't work. At. All. So, I'm going to try yoga. I'm going to attempt to try some meditation and focus on calm. I know it sounds crazy, but I really think it might be a struggle for me. All the more reason to try, I suppose!